Before the Humble Arrival (VI)

“The answer to life’s greatest question is simply Jesus Christ. To have all of life’s answers and yet fail to have this one question correct, is to fail entirely.”

 Author Unknown

  It is without a doubt that during these times there are so many who are attacking the credibility of who Jesus Christ was. It makes sense, if you can remove Jesus as being God, you remove all claim, authority, and power that He has, thusly terminating Christianity. Nevertheless, the more we scrutinize the Word and examine the endless supply of evidence proving His deity, we are left with the unmovable question of who Jesus Christ is to us personally.

These last several weeks we have studied a few of the preincarnate visits of Jesus Christ, not to prove His deity, but to authenticate His statements made during the gospels. He made the claims Himself, and I feel in no part that I must defend Jesus Christ’s life. I am to only speak the truth and allow His own actions and words to orchestrate His own defense.  He claimed to be God, He claimed that He was the key to salvation, yet it was the fact that He proved through His actions prior to making these statements that causes us to look on in amazement. Only Jesus Christ could act upon His own statements as a man prior to being born. This man would have to be God to put such a plan into action. Many today scoff at the very idea of His humble arrival in Bethlehem, yet what they miss is His awesome actions proving His deity prior to Bethlehem. A virgin birth is nothing when you see the actions Jesus Christ had already done in the Old Testament. Jesus had already, through a multitude of people, proved that He was the Son of God. He used Abraham, Jacob, Nebuchadnezzar, and others to see the reality of who He was. As we have learned that His statements are backed up prior to Him saying them, we can take His statements of His future actions with one hundred percent certainty! This is a sobering fact, for Christ warned and proclaimed that He was the only way, the only truth, the only life that could cause a person to be saved. This points us back to our unmovable question of who Jesus Christ is to us personally.

Many today would argue that Jesus became the Son of God through His actions. Some incorrectly believe that Jesus Christ became God’s Son at the incarnation. They will use Luke 1:35 “He shall be called the Son of God.”

Others claim, Jesus became the Son of God at the baptism. They will use Matthew 3:17 “this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well please.”

Still others say that Jesus became the Son of God at the resurrection. They will use Romans 1:4 “Declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.”

Even others claim Jesus became the Son of God at the ascension. They will use Hebrews 1:1-4 and specifically point out the fact of “appointment” at His ascension.

Each of these groups fail to remember one of the most famous quotes in the Bible, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten SON, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (Emphasis mine). Jesus Christ, has always been God, the second in the Trinity.  However, each of these groups fail to recognize the law of limit, to be God you must not have a limit, you must not have been created. Jesus Christ was not created but rather was before and was only briefly humbled, “but we do see Him who was made for a little while lower than the angels, namely, Jesus because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone.” Hebrews. 2:9. I would ask you the simple question of this, based on Hebrews 2:9 how can a person be briefly humbled unless He is already at a station of authority? You cannot be briefly humbled if you are already at that station of place. Christ came to earth in humility to save us, any claim by scoffers to say He was only a man, ignores the facts of all His claims to be God and His previous actions before He arrived in Bethlehem.

But His actions prior to His birth, His earthly life, and the claims of His future events do bring us back to our unmovable question of who Jesus Christ is to us personally. For the past six weeks we have studied Jesus Christ, prior to His humble arrival. Yet, any study of Christ is void if we do not have the correct answer to our unavoidable question of who He is to us personally.

If He is anything other than your personal savior, you have missed the mark of who Jesus Christ is and who He wants to be in your life. When we see that eternal life and unity with God only comes through the sacrifice that He has given us in Jesus, we must humbly accept that Jesus Christ is who He claimed to be. His actions prior to His birth only solidify His right to claim what He stated in the gospels. Words do not compare the desire that I write to you today to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord! For no matter what you do now, there is a coming day to which you will recognize Him, for Philippians 2:11 states, “and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Our only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ, on His actions, on His statements, and on faith in Him. We have more than just the four gospels to review such an amazing God. If you are truly wanting to know more about Jesus Christ, God will move heaven and earth to make sure you get the answer.

If you are looking for answers on salvation or have questions on any of the topics discussed about in this series, reach out to Mill House Ministries on our contact page!

 Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming



Belt of Truth
