
Let me first apologize to our faithful followers and readers who have been with us here at Mill House Ministries these past months. We apologies for the lateness of the post, but want to fill you in on the journey we have taken this week. As typical Monday’s are when we post our topical or book study. We had intended to start a new series regarding Psalm 32 and the richness of what God has to say. However, the more we studied, the more we saw there is a much larger and unexpected study that we will need to jump in with this and other psalms who share a unique bond! While we prepare for such a study, I ask for your prayers, (this study is more than I could have ever thought it would be).

Yet, this does not mean we will be doing a lesser study, but rather one designated by God. We here at Mill House Ministries do not write blogs/posts for posting sake, but rather when we have learned something that we want to help share in our pursuit of the mission that Mill House Ministries was started for. When there is any doubt, we will wait. Sometimes it is better to wait and see what the Lord has to say to you.

As we prepare for next week’s post, please keep us in prayer and know that the Lord is actively moving! The rest of this week’s scheduled postings will continue as expected Lord willing.



God Is…
