A Group Not to Forget

There has been something on my mind for the last week or so, and as we have recently finished our study on prayer, I think that this quick note is much needed.  You see most Christians have a somewhat active prayer life. We at least take time to pray for God’s help with a matter or we pray for family members. All of this is good and is much needed don’t get me wrong! We need to continue to pray for these things as well as wisdom, discernment, understanding, and for God’s will to be done!

However, there are a few groups who definitely need prayer that are often overlooked, a sad fact when we realize the power in prayer. You might be thinking that I am talking about the unbelievers, this is a worthy prayer request and one that should be taken seriously. If you followed along with our study on prayer you would see how much a prayer of intercession could do. This is not the only group that needs prayer. Nor am I talking about praying for ourselves or those around us.

The group that I have in mind here is actually our church leadership. We often have the mistaken impression that those in a leadership role; pastor, elders, life group leaders and the like, either don’t need our prayers or they simply have their act together better than everyone else. This is far from true! Our church leaders face spiritual warfare just like us and without prayer backing them up it would be easy for a leader to be swept away. To bring home the importance on why our leadership needs prayer think of it this way. Where the leadership goes, so does the church. What I mean by this is that if a person in a leadership role is taken in by a false teaching, it then will be brought into the church. This could lead to a couple different options; one the church is swept away by the false teaching. Or two, the church becomes divided as stronger believers fight against the false teaching. These options both have the same outcome, a church body who is ineffective to teach the true Word of God.

My message to you this week is simple, in your prayer time remember those in our leadership roles. Pray that they remain steadfast in the faith, that they have wisdom and discernment to see truth in God’s Word, pray that they have those around them who can guide them when they have questions, pray for their health, pray for their families, and if you can’t think of anything specific to pray for, pray that God knows what they need and know that He is wholly capable of answering.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,




