A Living Thing

Whenever I am unsure about what my next Biblical study should be, I like to read one of the smaller books in the New Testament. I think due to their size, books like 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John or 1st and 2nd Timothy can be overlooked. This is definitely to the readers detriment as these smaller books pack as much of a punch as the gospels, Hebrews, or Ephesians. Recently I have spent some time in the book of 1st Peter and I was reminded once again how encouraging this book can be. This book hits on topics such as freedom in Christ, rejoicing in trials, and the knowledge that God is an impartial judge. However, there is one verse that I specifically love when I just need to be encouraged.

23 for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable, but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.”

1 Peter 1:23

This world loves to drag us down and make us have our heads hanging. For many walking around, they seem to have no hope; and that is because they are focusing on things that are perishable. But this is not the case for those who have been born-again through Jesus Christ. Our hopes are not on those things that will one day perish, instead we can keep our heads up and act as lights to the world. The word of God is capable of regenerating individuals, 18 In the exercise of His will He gave us birth by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures.” James 1:18. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we not only become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) but we can no longer be dragged down by the weight of our sin. We have passed the world of perishable things and will one day, through death and resurrection or through the rapture, we will be with God where nothing will perish.

I also like this passage because it reminds me that the word of God is a living thing. It is as relevant now as when it was written. The authors of the 66 books of the Bible had no idea how long it would be until Christ returned, and yet even still their words provide encouragement for us living today. We can all be encouraged of the stories of those found in Hebrews 11 or the story of Ester who accepted that God placed her in her position for a reason, and we can still learn valuable financial guidance from books like Proverbs as well as understanding the times that we are in. The Bible is not just words on a page, but is a living document that offers so much strength and encouragement to those who would read it seriously. Matthew Henry describes the Bible this way, “It is a means of spiritual life, to begin it and preserve in it, animating and exciting us in our duty, till it brings us to eternal life: and it is abiding; it remains eternally true, and abides in the hearts of the regenerate for ever.”[1]

However, if you are simply reading only what is discussed in church service or life groups, you are missing out on so much more of what the Bible says. For those that treat their Bible studies in such a way, the Bible does not seem like the living and enduring word of God. Without the hope that is found within its pages, it is easy for the believer to begin to place their hope in perishable things and forget that their hope is in something greater. I encourage you now to ask God to open His word to you, pray that He helps you to see the nuggets of information and encouragement that you are missing. This way you can truly see how our hope does not reside in perishable but the unchanging God.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,


[1] Commentary on 1 Peter 1 by Matthew Henry (blueletterbible.org)


Concluding the Basics


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