A Proverbs 31 Man? II

We finally get a chance to come back to our second part regarding the Proverbs 31 Man. A few weeks ago we did verses 1-7, we realized that men are in need of studying proverbs 31 more than they think. Today, I want to continue with our study and review verses 8-9.

Proverbs 31:8-9 “8 Open your mouth for the mute, For the rights of all the unfortunate. 9 Open your mouth, judge righteously, And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.”

A righteous man does not stop in verses 1-7, but also is focused on helping those in the community. “Open your mouth for the mute, open your mouth and judge righteously.” He must be willing to help those who cannot help themselves. This verse is very diverse in application from those who literally cannot speak for themselves to those who might not be listened to by others or who needs to be represented. This can be children, the mentally disabled, and/or those in a position who have been put under your authority. We are called to know what they need and to be their voice. In this world, there are many voices and so called advocates. However, they are advocating for the world’s ideas and not what Christ designed. As Proverbs 31 men, we need to be advocating and helping; we need to be picking up the call to be more than just men in our homes but men in the community.

And defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.” Very similar to our other verse but different. The NASB translation reads “and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” This does not just mean financial but more; for those who are in need of help or are in need of a chance to work. As Proverbs 31 men, our job is to help provide the opportunity for others to work. We cannot do this unless we are financially stable, understand economics, and are voicing this understanding with policy makers. This means we are in the community helping build policy and the environment needed for those to help themselves. Being financially tight does not mean you are in sin. Many today believe that if you do not have a lot of money you are in some type of sin. However there is no Bible verse directing this belief, but rather man made ideas. There are many policies and practices that make financial smarts found in the Bible and it is our job as Proverbs 31 men to cultivate these principles of God into the community.

As you can see we have not even gotten to the part about women in Proverbs 31 and we have already seen the definition of the Proverbs 31 man coming about. Some readers might see this and be troubled thinking that this chapter was supposed to be a way for them to locate and find a woman to marry. This chapter is still designed to help define what a Godly woman is, but still carries this idea for the opposite sex to locate a help-mate in this world. If you are a single guy out there and you are sexually pure, not addicted to alcohol or other drugs, working in the community, helping those who are in need, financially stable, and keeping your eyes on the Lord, these are qualities that will attract the right sort of wife. As was once described to me, when you are focused on what God calls men to be, as we are beginning to see in Proverbs 31, and run the race for Him; you will see that God will place a woman of the Proverbs 31 caliber in your life.

Come next week as we will see how the Proverbs 31 man needs to help provide the environment that will help their help-mate become the Proverbs 31 woman.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,





Re-Post Friday