Last week we discussed day one of creation. We learned that God is not only intentional with His creation, but also with preparing the foundation for future actions such as the creation of all living things. Today, we will examine Genesis 1:6-8

“6 Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” 7 Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which [were] under the firmament from the waters which [were] above the firmament; and it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.”

Within this passage, there are several truths we need to recognize, God is intentionally designing and establishing creation in such a way as to preemptively dissolve any argument that might attempt to substitute Him and His actions.

God is not only creating the oceans, but He is also hinting at something rather unique. We see the atmosphere come into play! What does this mean? It means that the design which we still have to this day, has been so from the beginning. Allow me to go down a quick but interesting rabbit trial. In this passage we see the creation of the atmosphere as we know it, we also know from coming chapters of Genesis that before the flood, mankind’s lifespan was much longer than it is now. This passage might provide a clue as to why this was the case. We might be dealing with a clue as to how mankind’s longevity has been determined. According to some scientist and researchers, the presence of more water in the atmosphere might have been the reasoning behind mankind living for several hundred years. How rapidly this decreased after the flood. At this point, the earth is covered in water, there is nothing outside of water at different levels. Many evolutionist would tell you that the world started off as a large chunk of dirt that over billions and billions of years brought water and later from the goo to the zoo to you. However, God’s word says that the earth had water everywhere.

It is at this moment that God is going to have to do something. The day ends and in the cycle of creation we have to stop and meditate on what has happened so far, and what happened on day two that is important for us to understand. There is light, darkness, and water. God has called them all good. There is nothing that God has made which is bad, imperfect, or even out of place. God is working in an order of events. Have you had God working in your life and at times it feels like it is out of place? Like His actions are not answering the prayer? Could it be that God is developing the sequence of events necessary for you to understand that His answer is only from Him and not by chance? Maybe we should be careful not to make rash decisions; wait and meditate. God’s declaration in Genesis 1:1 is being laid out, in His timing not ours. Thus today we should do the same thing. Cling to His promises; and if it appears that He is not acting on His promises, just wait upon the Lord and see. The answer might suddenly develop right before your very eyes.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



The Value of the Word


Re-Post Friday