Acting On God’s Word

I wanted to write a quick post today regarding a small transition in my spring line up of posts. As you might know, in the fall we were doing the “Basics” a simple systematic study of the books of the Bible. We stopped for the Holidays to discuss the birth of Christ and have since started the book of 1 John. We will continue to do 1 John but will take the next few weeks to finish the Old Testament in the Basics course. After which we will continue in our study of 1 John. The reason I am wanting to do this is for three principles.

1)      As believers we should know the Bible in its entirety. “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him” Proverbs 30:5.

2)      We need to recognize what is going on in the world and reflect on what God’s word says so that we can know how to interact with those who might not know Jesus. “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock” Matthew 7:24. This gives us the opportunity to reveal what God says in a practical manner. For those who listen to the Word and see how it can be applied in today’s circumstances will also find themselves with joy, peace, and an overall sense that God is in control of their life.  

3)      Many believers are being told things that are plainly not Biblical. We want to give you a road map to be able to review the material and see where God is calling you to go deeper. “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you Matthew 6:33.

God cares for the believer, and we are to be smart in the circumstances we find ourselves in. Jesus says this in Matthew 10:16, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” We as believers in Jesus Christ, are currently in a kingdom that is not of our heavenly Father’s. We are ambassadors in this foreign land. We are to be wise as serpents, knowing what to say and what not to say. We are to be as gentle as doves, knowing how to best help those around us and reflect God’s love to all. So, for the next couple weeks we will finish the Old Testament and then we will pick up 1 John in the summer. By doing this, when we reference something in 1 John you will know what book of the Bible we are talking about. As for the New Testament, we are currently praying about how best to do the Basics course and when we should. Nevertheless, I want to end on reflecting on the core principles on why we are doing this. Here at Mill House Ministries, we do our best to decide on posts, Bible topics, and ideas that are Biblical and Christ centered. Our goal is to equip you with the Word of God so that you can know Jesus Christ as we do and be eagerly awaiting on Jesus Christ.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



Joy in Trials
