Are You Freed?
The idea of freedom is portrayed quite common nowadays. We are bombarded with news of freedoms being taken away, someone gaining freedom, and how certain people are going to ensure our freedoms. For the Christian, the idea of freedom however, means something much more; and yet our freedom is often overlooked. So today I want to ask you, are you really free?
What I mean is are you really free from the control of sins in your life? Not saying that you must be perfect, after all we cannot be completely perfect until we are present with the Lord, but do you find yourself continually going back to the very thing that you ran from to follow Christ? If this is true, then I would argue that maybe you aren’t experiencing true freedom.
There is good news however! The scriptures state that once we place our faith in Christ, we are no longer bound to the aspects of this world that have kept us from Him!
“What should we say then? Should we continue to sin so that God’s kindness will increase? 2 That’s unthinkable! As far as sin is concerned, we have died. So how can we still live under sin’s influence?
3 Don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 When we were baptized into his death, we were placed into the tomb with him. As Christ was brought back from death to life by the glorious power of the Father, so we, too, should live a new kind of life. 5 If we’ve become united with him in a death like his, certainly we will also be united with him when we come back to life as he did. 6 We know that the person we used to be was crucified with him to put an end to sin in our bodies. Because of this we are no longer slaves to sin.”
Romans 6:1-6
We do not need to return to our unprofitable desires because we have something greater! We are freed from our sins! So today if you find yourself struggling to walk away from something that you know is against scripture, I ask that you don’t continue to look back. Instead, focus on Christ and pray that He helps you to remove the desire for it.
Seek the truth and encourage one another,