Ecclesiology 101

There is an issue plaguing our society today. This sickness is churches that are not following God’s Word. This is a fact that needs to be addressed. Many Christians today find it hard pressed to find a Church that is keeping to God’s Word in scripture and practice. Because of this reality, we need to understand what is a Church properly in action.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be going through various verses found in Scripture that identifies the aspects that a church needs to have. This is so that we as Christians can not only help to avoid unbiblical churches, but also to identify if the church that we are going to is following Scripture.

What I need from you, is to take the next week and ask the Lord to share with you through His word the characteristics that make up a proper Church. During this time, I would encourage you to go through the letters of Paul and the letters of Jesus regarding the Churches. This will be an exciting and yet, humbling experience for us all as we dive into the riches of the Bride of Christ.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday
