
When we think of Easter, we undoubtedly consider the ramifications of the cross. While it is important to understand the events leading up to Jesus being crucified and His resurrection three days later, there is actually a verse that is related to these events that seems to be overlooked. You see, there is much focus on the events directly before Jesus is betrayed and then crucified. Many this weekend will be discussing Jesus’s actions while in the garden and during the trial. These are all important topics to understand and absolutely need to be discussed, however, we often forget one very important aspect and that is this: who has the authority to send Jesus to His death? The answer can be found in Jesus’s own words.


“No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

John 10:18


The cross is often a stumbling block for many. Why would God the Father demand Jesus to be crucified? Why would Jesus go through with it? Was He nothing more than a puppet following the strings of the master? Well, by looking at John 10:18 we see that is in no way the case. We see that Jesus willingly and by His own authority laid down His life so that we may become sons and daughters of God. The final days of the Son of God in His earthly body may seem tumultuous, but here we see that Jesus knew what would be asked of Him and He had the authority to fulfill the task.

  But this authority did not end when Jesus gave up His life so that we may be redeemed. His authority continued so that He could take it up again. This is very good news for those of us who have placed our faith in Jesus Christ because without the authority to take up His life again, Jesus’s work would be half unfinished and we would still looking for a way to be redeemed to God. But since Christ has the authority to take up His life again, we are redeemed through His death and resurrection.

  I hope now you understand that while the events of the cruxifixction and resurrection seem haphazard, it wasn’t for God. In fact, the verse that we have been discussing occurred well before the betrayal. Jesus always had the authority to give up His life, just as He always had the authority to pick it back up. So now I ask you, does the Man who willingly gave His life for you have authority in your life? If so, how wonderful for we know that God is faithful and His promises are true! If not, I pray that today is the day that you take that step in faith.

 Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday


Tradition, Liberty, and Corporate Reflection