A Heavenly Mic Drop


It is probably of no surprise that there have been many posts regarding this Sunday. You might have heard “Happy Resurrection Sunday,” or more commonly known as “Happy Easter.” Others might tell you “Happy First Fruits” and you might even have someone say, “Happy Passover Sunday.” In the end, for those who understand what this Sunday marks, it is a specific sign in the cosmic arena of what God did for you and I. In layman’s terms we celebrate the day Jesus “dropped the mic.” It is no simple statement to say God, who holds the entire universe, came down and held our sins on the cross while still holding the very atoms that keep the universe in existence.

The doubters are many, and the outright deniers are too large of a number to count. Yet, today I am not wanting to argue of the existence and reality of this day, but rather to encourage those who have come to realize what this day really means to keep focused on Christ.

Our God knowing that we could not save ourselves, provided Himself for our sacrifice so that our guilt could be paid for. There is no following the commandments, there is no being good that will get you what He accounted for. Simply put, Jesus Christ was able to fulfill the requirements needed to rescue you and I. 

We need at times to remember the simplicity of what God is telling us by making such an unmovable declaration. His entire life on earth was preordained to establish a rescue for those who would be willing to listen. However, His destiny was to permanently establish the verdict against all those who were not found in Him. We have no excuse to not listen. John 1:9-12 states, “9 This was the true Light that, coming into the world, enlightens every person. 10 He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him, and yet the world did not know Him. 11 He came to His own, and His own people did not accept Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”

Many people miss the duality of why Jesus came. He came to save John 3:16, but also He came as in verse 9, “to enlighten every person.” Some have taken this as to say “save every person.” However, this statement goes further than just salvation, He was also making a statement to those who do not believe. Christ coming to earth and dying for you and I was to bring every person to a point in their life where they will have to acknowledge and accept, or acknowledge and deny what Christ did on the cross. The essence of His resurrection afterwords shows His authenticity of what He declared on the cross “It is finished.” John 19:30. Many false religions have declared much and promised heaven, but only Jesus Christ proved He could make good on that promise. 

It was once told to me if the cross was God signing the check to say our debt was paid for, the resurrection was the bank statement of a good transaction. Everything in Christianity is pointing towards Christ, everything in the Old Testament is pointing to Jesus and everything in the New Testament is pointing to Jesus. We as believers need to understand that in everything we do. Our actions, thoughts, and decisions need to reflect this very nature of the Bible and what this holiday signifies. 

Never take for granted the crucifixion and the resurrection, for the same man who says “Come follow me,” Matthew 4:19, is also the same man who will say to those who are not saved “Depart from me.” Matthew 7:23. Jesus said this plainly in Matthew 10:28, “And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Resurrection Sunday is a yearly declaration of Jesus Christ, “enlightening every person.” This is important because as Matthew 10:28 shows, those who do not accept what He did on the cross will certainly know one day that Jesus Christ is risen. 

For those of us who are saved and born again, we can reflect on this time in excitement and eager opportunity to share the good news of Jesus to anyone who is willing to listen. For those who are not saved I would eagerly tell you to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins and accept Him into your life. We need His forgiveness and He is willing to give it for those who accept it. If you are questioning and want to know more, ask Jesus to find you. For those who ask, God moves Heaven and Earth to find them. Finally, if you have questions and want to know more about Jesus Christ, please feel free to contact Mill House Ministries and we will happily help answer any questions you might have. 

Belated Happy Resurrection Sunday! 



Fear of the Lord
