
We have reached the end of our study in the book of James. While this study took longer than I expected, I hope you all found encouragement in this study! The book of James provided us the ability to discuss several topics such as having joy in our trials which brings opportunity to grow stronger in the faith. Having a saving faith in Jesus Christ will produce fruits in our life. This is not based on our own merit, but because we are striving to imitate more of Him. Our works do not save us, they are simply a reflection of our faith in the only One who is perfect, Jesus Christ.

We have also been provided tools to grow in our faith, such as the knowledge to test everything against the scriptures. Anything that goes against what the scriptures states is not something that should be taught or put into practice. We only follow what the scriptures states and those who teach otherwise are not followers of Jesus Christ. We learned that spending time with the Lord will naturally cause us to draw closer towards Him. This means that the more time we spend learning about Him through reading His scriptures, the more understanding we will have about God and how much He loves us! Finally, we learned the importance of prayer, we do not need to be a superpower in the faith to have God hear our prayers. When we come before Him with both our sorrows and our praises, God hears us. I hope this study has been impactful in your life as much as it has with me. Personally, my faith has grown by doing this study and I hope yours has as well. If you have questions regarding this study, or other Bible related questions, we would love to hear from you.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday


A Study in Genesis