Elementary Teaching

Everyone is a new believer at some point, and that is ok. However, the Christian needs to be growing and progressing in their understanding of God if we are ever to grow in maturity as followers of Jesus Christ. But what does that mean? What are some basics that define the elementary levels of understanding within the Christian faith? Hebrews breaks this down for us in a unique and simple way. What you will find out is that which the Bible calls elementary, has been sophisticated. In fact, the bar has been lowered so much that church leadership might not even have the basics down. So, what are the elementary teachings in the Bible that define the early stages of our Christian faith? They can be found in Hebrews 6:1-2.

“Therefore, leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and about the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment.”

Here we have the foundation of the Christian faith, the elementary teachings that every Christian SHOULD KNOW.

The author of Hebrews starts first with prioritizing the focus of what the elementary teachings is all about, “About Christ.” The entire Bible is God’s book pointing man to Jesus Christ. The faster a person figures this out, the quicker they can see the big picture which is why the Bible was commissioned by God Himself. Each of the following topics are centered around Christ, His interactions with us. These categories are the following:


Faith toward God   

Instruction about washings    

Laying on of hands      

Resurrection of the dead     

Eternal Judgment  

Six topics that are there to help all believers understand the fundamental and elemental foundations of the Christian faith. Now you might be asking, “Why is this all important?” Let’s go and quickly review each one here now.

Repentance is the act of man knowing they are a sinner. They have recognized that they are without excuse and are in need of a savior. This carries the Greek word, “metanoia” which means reversal. The person is wanting to reverse the sentence that has been bestowed on them. They are asking God for Jesus to come into their life and forgive them. Here are just a few of the verses describing this elemental teaching: 1 John 1:9, Act 3:19, Matthew 4:17, Romans 2:4, and Mark 1:15.

Faith toward God, this simply means that you are now entrusting God to fulfill what He has promised to do. The word “toward” in Greek is “epi” which implies the meaning to be superimposition of a time or place of an event. When we understand the context of what we are talking about, we know that it is building off of the previous element which is repentance. Which the only date in time that significantly brought about the connection of “Faith toward God” and “Repentance” is in fact Jesus Christ on the Cross. We can repent and have faith knowing that God will fulfill His promise because of what He has done with the Son. Here are just a few of the verses describing this elemental teaching: 2 Timothy 2:13, 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 1 John 1:9, and 1 Corinthians 1:9.  

Instruction of Washing of Hands, you might be thinking God is wanting us to be good hand washers. However, the translation into English is hard to understand, but the Greek helps reveal the true meaning of what God is saying here. The word “instruction” in Greek means “didache” which signifies something that has been already taught to them, like a tradition being passed down. The second word is “washings” which is “baptismos” which means baptism. The author is pointing to the tradition of baptism and the importance this has with the symbolic change that has come about from the previous two elements. Repentance and faith in God. Baptism is the outward expression of an inward change. How incredible that the first two point directly to the third and the third points directly to the previous two! Here are just a few of the verses describing this elemental teaching: Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, 1 Peter 3:21, and Romans 6:4.

Laying of Hands is one that is very tricky to understand until someone points it out to you, than you will never forget it. Once again, the Greek helps us understand where the English falls short. The word “laying” in Greek is “epithesis” which means to grasp and hold, with an official way. The next word is “hands” which in Greek is “khire.” This word implies a sense of hollowness or to literally grasp power. When you place these two words together it means to grasp power or to have power grasp you. How ironic that God, through our repentance, is faithful to hold us, which is represented through Baptism. Each element plays a role together. Here are just a few of the verses describing this elemental teaching: Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 41:13, John 10:29, and Psalm 139:10.

Resurrection of the dead, today this is probably one of the worst kept elementary teachings inside Christendom. No one talks about it, even though it is our blessed hope (Titus 2). In the book of Hebrews, we see that God is wanting us to know what awaits those who are His. This is the resurrection, the Rapture for the Church, and the renewing of all those who are Jesus Christ’s. Nevertheless, for this resurrection to happen, one must have repentance, which is based on knowing God’s faithfulness, which is furthered symbolized through the baptism, and we triumphantly walk knowing God has us held tightly in His hands. This is part one of Eschatology that is brought into the elemental teachings. God wants us to know that we have hope in the future and He has designed a master plan. Here are just a few of the verses describing this elemental teaching: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, Revelation 3:10, 2 Thessalonians, and 1 Corinthians 15:35-50.

Eternal Judgement is exactly what it sounds like. Man is to be judged. All men, period, the end. Hebrews 9:27 states, “And just as it is destined for people to die once, and after this comes judgment.” No matter if you are a believer or not, you are judged. For the believer, our judgment has been passed onto Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross for us. For those who are not saved they will be judged on the Great White Throne of Judgement, which can be found in Revelation chapter 20. But for those who are saved through repentance, because of what Jesus Christ did, which is symbolized in baptism, held by God, and already resurrected before the Great White Throne of Judgement, well you won’t even be there. You will be with the Lord, blessed and in His presence. For us today, this is the second part of the Eschatology, but it perfectly wraps up the six categories.

All of this goes directly back to Jesus Christ who is the foundation for all of this. Don’t believe me? Even the numbers symbolize God’s handy work.

1 means God, perfection, wholeness, and completeness. This is something that we cannot contain on our own accord. Thus, we need repentance.

2 ironically when seen in completion of 1, takes us to the second of the trinity which is the Son of God, Jesus Christ. How curious the second element is “Faith toward God,” this faith comes from having faith that Jesus paid it all and all we owe to Him.

3 is the trinity, in which case is perfectly symbolizes by how the three together have designed us to be saved which is expressed to the public through water baptism.

4 is the Gospel message. Here we see how the Gospel is God’s way of grasping those who wish to be saved out of their current states of bondage.

5 is the number of grace. We are to be raised from the dead as a sign of God’s grace being bestowed on us who are saved.

6 is the number of man. As earlier stated, God is judging every man. How that sentencing will be carried out is up to you. You can either accept God’s eternal salvation through His free gift of Jesus Christ, or you can try it on your own and see how real Revelation’s 20:15 really is, “And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”

Quickly ending, we see that to truly understand these topics requires a deep understanding of the Word of God. It will take time and practice. Yet, God calls this the elementary teachings of His Bible. Instead of lowering the standard, we need to rise to the occasion and become experts on the elementary teachings of Jesus Christ. Wrapping up remember this, each of the teaching’s points back to the foundation of Jesus Christ, which is the proper place for all Bible studies to point back to. As believers this is the minimum, and today we have people in charge of the churches who do not understand the simple. Let’s not be below the minimum, but rather excel to what deeper and more mature teachings are in 2022.


Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



What A Comfort In Jesus
