Fact Check

In all honestly, when I write these posts, there are times that I don’t know what I am writing about until I actually sit down to write. I write what I feel that God is calling me to write, but there are times that until I put my hands on the keyboard, I have no clue what that is going to be. Because of this, I sometimes don’t see a theme in what I am writing until later. This is one of those times. In the last couple of weeks, I have discussed a couple of common misconceptions regarding Christianity. The first is that women are not to be working; Proverbs 31 and Luke 8:1-3 disprove this. The second was that we need to fix ourselves before we can come to God; this is disproven in John 4:1-6. And now, in my readings of proverbs, I have found another verse that gives evidence to disprove another common misconception.

“The Lord redeems the life of his servants;
    none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned.”

Psalm 34:22

If you haven’t guessed which misconception I am talking about, let me shine some light on it. Many would try to convince believers that we can lose our salvation. Unfortunately, some have fallen for this trick. First, I want to inform you that this is not the case; if we could lose our salvation, it would place the act of salvation on us and not on the redeeming act of the cross that Jesus Christ died for us.

What I like about this verse in Psalm 34 is that it gives evidence that we cannot be removed from Jesus Christ once we place our faith in Him and salvation through Him alone. When we take refuge, meaning place our faith in Him who is greater than this world and all its temptations, we can no longer be condemned. It is through the actions of our Lord and Savior that we are redeemed. This quick verse, often overlooked in a much larger psalm, gives evidence to the New Testament verse, 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”” John 10:28-30.

This goes to show that not only can we not lose our salvation, but it also shows that what is stated in the New Testament can be found in the Old Testament. We, as believers, need to be reading both the Old and the New. When we do this, we will find evidence to disprove many misconceptions that can either cause someone to stumble or make someone not wish to look more into Christianity. By finding evidence in both the Old and the New Testament, we create a stronger case for our faith; this helps encourage believers and plant the seed for someone who is hearing God’s call to them.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday


The Basics: A Brief Overview of the Book of Micah