Finding His Rest
The book of Hebrews is a wonderful book. While many conversations are done regarding the warnings found in this book or the hall of fame of believers, these are not the only lessons that can be learned. This book also shows that Jesus is greater than the angels, He is our perfect High Priest, and it is through Him that we are able to find rest from our works.
“10 For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His.”
Hebrews 4:10
The topic of rest is a tough one for many who are struggling with placing their faith in Jesus Christ, but it is also one that many born again believers also struggle with. It is a condition of the human mind to believe that we are only worthy of something if we work for it, and so as nonbelievers or young believers we feel that we must work to receive our salvation. However, our works do not amount to anything in the eyes of God, “And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment;” Isaiah 64:6b.
So if our works to not amount to anything, then how can we rest from them? The answer for that is simple, we rest not in our works but in the work of Jesus Christ. It is His actions on the cross that allow us to become clean in the sight of God. It is through His actions that we can find peace. Our actions our nothing, His actions are everything. God did not rest on the actions of anyone else’s but His own, so must we. Next week we will discuss the works that we can be doing and how God post salvation recognizes the righteous works of the saints.
Seek the truth, and encourage one another