God’s Deliverance

While we are just about finished with the first chapter of the book of James, I feel it is important to pause here and discuss what is occurring this Sunday with Easter. It is this time of year that we as born-again Christians need to reflect upon the cross and its importance. For us, this is the founding basis of our faith. If Jesus had not died on the cross for the sins of the world and been risen on the third day, then our faith would simply have nothing to stand on.

It is for this reason that we need to realize that the cross was not just where Jesus Christ was crucified, it was not just His to bear. The cross was meant for me, for you, and for all of humanity. The actions of the cross was God’s final nail in the coffin for sin separating those who would place their faith in Him. The cross represents for Christians God’s plan to redeem the entire world, and an important fact that Christians miss when reflecting on the cross is what the Son of God’s actions meant to God the Father. While the physical death on the cross was important, we cannot forget that the cross escapes the physical dimensions as we see them. Henry Blackaby describes it this way in his book “Experiencing the Cross”, “The cross transcends the physical dimension, and it also transcends time… just as the shadow of the cross reaches back into eternity, so it also thrusts forward.” The power of the cross transcends time. It is how we as believers today recognize others of our faith. Those who would deny the cross and the resurrection are simply not born-again believers. They are denying a foundational truth of the Christian faith.

We should be reflecting not only on the importance of the cross to our faith, but also why was it needed? Why would God have to send His Son to come to earth, only to die in probably the most horrific way at the time? Jesus Christ Himself teaches on the importance of the cross, “21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.” Matthew 16:21. This passage occurs after Peter declares that Jesus is the Son of the Living God (Matthew 16:16) and we see that in the very first time that Jesus Christ is talking about the coming crucifixion He is describing it as something that MUST be done. There was no other way for God to offer a path to restore lost mankind to Himself. This is not the actions of a cruel God, but one that loved the world enough that He would give up His only Son for us. “16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16. Many times when this verse is quoted people focus on the word “love”, I know that I certainly did and this is not something that is wrong to focus on. However, the true key word of this passage is actually “perish”. God gave His only Son so that none should perish. Without Christ, our only future is eternal condemnation. It is only by placing our faith in Jesus Christ and His actions on the cross for us that we are to be called children of God. Through Jesus Christ we now have hope in a God who would sacrifice His Son so that we may truly live.

I hope now you have a more focused aspect of what the cross means. It is something that transcends time and the results of Jesus Christ’s actions are still in effect today with every new believer that comes to call Him Lord. Because of God’s love for us, Jesus came to earth to die on a cross but to rise again so that He may purchase us from our sins. And the only thing that we must do is place our faith in Him! Without that, our only hope is to perish. But with Christ, our hope is in eternal life. If you ever have questions feel free to reach out to Mill House Ministries, we love to answer questions about the Bible, God, and our only salvation being Jesus Christ.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



