The Basics: A Brief Overview of First and Second Kings

The Basics course is designed to help brothers and sisters in Christ, who have a desire for a brief study over each of the books of the Bible. While being more than just a timeline, it is designed to give a person a more realistic overview of the entire Bible. As well as pointing out different highlights along the way. Imagine riding in a car and seeing exit signs for a town. Each sign gives a brief glimpse of what is inside, while if you wanted to thoroughly investigate the town you would have to take the exit. This series is a collected work of the books of the Bible while continuing to drive past each of the exits. I would encourage you to take any exit and allow the Lord God to direct your path to where He would guide. 

  The Bible is written into 66 different books. Each one unique on its own but designed to be with its other collected works. 

  Cautionary Note: This work is not to argue for the authenticity of the Bible nor is it to argue over the mechanics of how God used man to write His Words. This is designed as an overview for someone to review the book in passing. Nevertheless, we here at Mill House Ministries believe that the Bible is without error and was written by God, through His divine attributes, through man. 

  These overviews are sequenced in the below fashion. Each overview is designed to flow in unison. 

  1. Introduction

  2. Who wrote it

  3. When did they write it

  4. Key topics

  5. Key sections

  6. Books that interact with each other

  7. Analysis of the Book

  As previously stated, if you find yourself drawn to one of these books, please take the time and see what God is wanting to show you in that book. 

 BASICS COURSE: 1 and 2 Kings


Imagine, King David is old and there are many who are starting to wonder who will be King after his death. King David had several promising sons and the people wondered, whispers could be heard, questions were being asked “Who could take the throne? Would the nation go into civil war? Would the nation see turmoil? And what of God’s Prophet Nathan, what did he say?” First and Second Kings (here after Kings) are the accounts of those who would reign over the 12 tribes of Israel after King David. 


While the author is unknown, some have theorized Jeremiah who would have been living during the events of Kings as the author. John MacArthur disagrees stating, “Jewish tradition proposed that Jeremiah wrote Kings, though this is unlikely because the final event recorded in the book (see 2 Kin. 25:27-30 occurred in Babylon in 561 B.C. Jeremiah never went to Babylon, but to Egypt (Jer. 43:1-7), and would have been at least 86 years old by 561 B.C. Actually, the identity of the unnamed author remains unknown. Since the ministry of prophets is emphasized in Kings, it seems that the author was most likely an unnamed prophet of the Lord who lived in exile with Israel in Babylon.” I would possibly throw Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as possible alternatives. Under the guide of the Holy Spirit, all four would be able to recall events possibly not known by the general public; and the writing with its emphasis on prophets and kings identifies a relationship that they were also sharing with the King of Babylon at that time. All four of them worked under the rule of Babylon and inside of the royal universities Babylon had established, for one or all four to take on such a calling is not too far to fathom. 


We can summarize from 2 Kings 25:27-30 that the date of Kings as being written after 561 B.C. 


The book of Kings shows the reader several topics. Including, society, government, Religion, prophecy, Prophets, man, woman, sex, children, family issues, promises, war, witchcraft, God, love, and finally Jesus Christ foreshadowed.


Because the book of Kings has been divided into two books, we will tackle the first division and than the second division. 

 Division (1) 

Chapters 1-2 show the events as David passes away and Solomon becomes King. Chapters 3-5 describes Solomon forming his government. Chapters 6-9 the building of the Temple of God on Earth. Chapters 10-11 Acts of Solomon. Chaptesr 12-2 Kings 16 shows the nation divided. 

 Division (2)

Chapters 1-16 the nation divided. Chapter 17 Assyria takes Israel away. Chapters 18-25 the decline of Judah and the rise of Babylon.  


Kings interacts with 1st and 2nd Samuel and 1st and 2nd Chronicles. The timeline of much of the events describe some of the same people, or even the same historical accounts from different witnesses. 


Simply put, Kings is the accounts of the Kings of the Jewish people. While Samuel discussed the accounts of the first two Kings, the monarchies discussed in the books of Kings identifies a horrible truth many parents do not want to recognize. You can raise a child right, but in the end they will have to ultimately decide to act on what is right or wrong. The books of Kings points unequivocally to why a Monarchy outside of Jesus Christ ruling (which He will one day rule in literal Jerusalem) is ultimately decided on by the heart of the King. This is a great reminder to men who God has appointed as the heads of their household to guard and cherish their relationship with the Lord, and not to squander the intimacy with Christ. Finally, the book of Kings highlights the setting of the stage of the reasoning why Jews in Jesus Christ’s day wanted Him to save them and bring back the glory of the Kings. What they fail to recognize is that Jesus was first saving them from their sin. There is a coming day when the Kingdom will be restored and the line of Kings will be visually seen and reigning in Jerusalem. We as Christians nowadays need to reflect on the lessons which can be learned in the accounts of the Kings, but also review the accounts for their subtle declarations of why we need a savior and ultimately a King reigning in our hearts. 

Hold until relieved our Blessed Hope is coming,



At The Proper Time
