In Christ Alone (2)

Dear friends,

I am once again excited to write to you today regarding our spiritual unity found in Christ Jesus. If you have not already read part one from last week on May 25th please read that first. As last week, today’s post is heavily taken from the book of Colossians which should be read in its entirety.

I would like to draw your attention back to Paul, who was writing to a group of believers who he had never personally met. Here at Mill House Ministries, we have been given the glorious news that we have been able to reach hundreds in the name of Jesus Christ. Our goal of this two-part series is to encourage you in your walk with Christ as we continue pressing forward for the faith. Let your heart not be troubled by the problems of this world, and keep your eyes focused on who is greater than this world which is Jesus Christ.

I want to help explain something to you, which might sound strange to some, but this needs to be addressed. As we know the world is growing darker and many Christians are anxious, I would tell you to stand strong in the Lord, for if you are connected to Christ you are a new creation and found in who is stronger than this world, and that person is none other than Jesus Christ. For as He died, so did you, as He was risen from the dead, so were you. Paul to the Colossians was very clear on this, if we have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above where Christ is, He that is Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. Allow us to set our mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For we have died, and our life is hidden with Christ in God, the troubles around us are nothing compared to the communion in Christ. When Christ who is our life, is revealed, then we also will be revealed with Him in glory. I heard once, “because Jesus won, we win” I think it cannot be said more simply than that.

Furthermore, brothers and sisters, I write to you for this very reason. To remind you that God has not abandoned us to this world but has sent us a helper, which is the Spirit of God, but has also promised one day to come back for us. However, this does not mean we are currently left without Jesus personally in our lives. For if we are saved in Christ, we are with Christ already. While this might sound hard to believe it is the underlining theme of Colossians. “For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”

Therefore, let us continue to strive for Christ while we are still here. Put aside anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from our mouths. Allow us not to lie to one another and remember that we are to lay aside the old self for the new self. This new self is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created you and I. This renewal is not based on religiosity or whom we are born to on this earthly realm, but rather to our heavenly Father. So, as you have been saved remember to act accordingly.

Remember to put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Bearing with one another and forgiving each other. Which at this current time is needed more than ever before. Allow us to forgive those who wrong us, for we do not need to look too far back to see how God has forgiven you and I. However, it should be noted most of all, allow us to have all our actions, thoughts, and our very character built on love. To allow such character of action to come forth we must acknowledge that the peace of Christ is ruling our hearts. For even though we are apart, we have been called to be one body and be thankful. Daily our time needs to be enriched by the word of Christ, desiring His wisdom and teaching, guiding us to proclaim together as one the awesomeness of Jesus Christ. Our actions must be done in such a way that people know they are done for the Lord, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.

Yet, I wish to take a moment to help remind you that while we might come from different nations, cultures, previous beliefs, and personal stories, we are now found in Christ. This does not mean we lose our own personality but rather it becomes clearer, fuller, and more distinct as it was designed to be. For Christ makes us whole, without Him is to be empty and void. Furthermore, because of this we are to be subject to our Father and subsequently as He has commanded us to those who oversee us. This does not mean to accept abuse but rather live according to what is pleasing to God, being obedient and well-pleasing.  Allow us to have sincerity in our heart, fearing the Lord and desiring to give Him praise in all our actions. Remember verse 23 in chapter 3 says, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men.” Do not worry about those who have done wrong to you, or who hate you, for God has promised to deal with them in His own time. We should conduct ourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity to share with them the good news which is that Jesus Christ died on the cross for them and is resurrected. We should be kind in how we speak to others allowing them to see through our own actions God’s love. This does not mean to accept their actions, especially if the action is sinful and against God’s commandments but rather in loving them towards Christ. Be mindful to think before speaking as to know how we should respond to each person in our lives.

Nevertheless, we should devote ourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. Prayer is typically forgotten as the ultimate weapon of the Christian, this is sad, since having the ability to talk directly to the God of the Universe is an amazing advantage no one outside of a Christian has. Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:18 “with all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the Saints.” Know that we are here praying for you as well. For the chances of us personally meeting in this life are slim, allow me to give you one final encouragement. This encouragement is based on Revelation 3, remember to keep His perseverance, for He will also keep us from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth. For Jesus is coming quickly and we are to hold fast to what He has given us.

I will always be ready to remind you of these things that I have written to you about. While yes, the chances are, you already know these lessons, I find it important to help encourage you with these words. As long as Mill House Ministries is here, we want to help remind you to follow the word of God and to seek after His own heart in everything that you do. I pray that the Lord will help you to remember His word so as you need it, the words would come to you. That the Spirit of God would allow you to have clear understanding and knowledge which is pure and reasonable and found in only one man who is Jesus Christ.

I end on this, no matter what, remember God’s word is alive and well, and we are to read and study it. The disciples, and all those 2,000 years ago all wished they could see the day which we are clearly living in the season of. So, until that time, we look for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus. Keep strong in the faith and follow Him who is good to save you.

If you are ever in need of prayer, have biblical questions, or are in need of comfort, please reach out to the ministry so that we can help. While yes, we might be far apart we are unified in one Spirit, in Christ Jesus.


Hold until relieved, Our blessed Hope is coming





A Man from Tarsus


Words of Encouragement