Introduction to Biblical Meditation

Today I wanted to do a second recap on the Basics Course that we just finished and had been doing for over a year. However, for those who don’t know, the Basics Course was designed around a quick review of the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi. This was a crash course, something designed to help someone who had virtually no clue come to see what each book was about and give them an idea of what to expect when reading. Moving forward, I thought it would be prudent to remind the readers that the Word of God is not a “scheduled read the Bible in a year” that should be done all the time. In fact, there are times in our life when God’s Word might need to reside for a period of our life. We need to have a basic understanding however, we should not stop there. God calls us to meditate. Over the next several weeks I would like to go on a journey with you and see what it means to truly meditate as God sees meditation. Remember that no matter the topic, we take everything back to the Word of God and see what God says. By doing this, we can see the richness and guidance that He has carefully crafted in our life. God’s Word is applicable and we should see how it can be placed in our life, 2 Timothy 3:16 states,
”All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness.” But how do we know when to apply and if we are applying the right aspects of God’s Word? For this reason, I want to go on this journey with you and find out.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



A Music Challenge


Re-Post Friday