Learning Techniques III

I want to finish this small series regarding something powerful, something hidden from most believers. This hidden truth is not something hidden by God but by our (believers) willful ignorance to not dive deep into God’s Word. God promises in Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” This observation reveals to the reader that God has given mysteries and it is for our benefit to search them out. Ironically, this observation is not just talking about in God’s Word, but also the natural observable world. This is why the famous astronomer Johnathan Kepler said, “God wanted us to recognize natural laws and that God made this possible by creating us after His own image so that we could share in His own thoughts.” Robert Boyle hypothesized that the end reason for the Sabbath was in part to create time and leisure for scientific consideration of God’s works of creation. That the study of nature in order to understand God was in fact an act of worship of God.

However, as unique and exciting as it would be to dive into a study about Proverbs 25:2 in regards to a natural stand point, today we are examining this observation in regards to God’s Word. When we read God’s Word and are not praying and focused on it, we cannot search out the matters hidden by God. We need to be diving deep for the love of Christ, not a check mark off our schedule. Proverbs 10:4 “Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, But the hand of the diligent makes rich.” When we study with a diligent hand and seek out God’s matters, we find that His scripture comes to life! It is vibrant, detailed, and applicable for us. This applicability makes us rich! Makes us have the most valuable item found in the cosmos, God’s matters. This knowledge allows us to understand what we need to do in life, but also to help others as well, Proverbs 10:17 “He is on the path of life who heeds instruction, But he who ignores reproof goes astray.” This is why the best thing a non-believer can do is talk to a believer. Unfortunately, not all believers are digging into God’s Word. We neglect to see the King for who He is to those of us who are saved. He is more than salvation! He is our intimate confidant, He is our guide, He is our coach, He is our shepherd. This is why we need to dig deep into God’s Word. Examine everything, put down the Bible study “self-help books” the commentaries, videos, podcasts and other noises, and search out what God wants us to know in His word. We need to go into each Bible study recognizing that God wants us looking for what He has hidden. In doing so, we grow in our faith. We learn things we were not planning on learning and are shaped and molded into the people we were meant to be.

Our Bible studies are designed for us to be spending time with God so that He can do a good work in us. Simple but powerful! This is why we start our Bible studies in prayer, stay focused, and finally go deep with the understanding that He has something for us to learn. When we do this, we can realize just how powerful the relationship with Christ really is. The unsaved do not have this promise, the unsaved has only one declaration from God which is to repent and recognize who Jesus is and have Him come into their life. As for the saved, we have so much more. We have a relationship with Christ that He has designed specifically for how He made you and I. So let us end this small study with the understanding that our Bible studies need to be a serious time to in God’s Word and in His presence. If you ever have questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us here and we would love to answer Bible questions for you and help you come to have a relationship or fuller relationship with Christ. Until next week!

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



Speaking With Sincerity


Re-Post Friday