Mill House Ministries is 3!

Dear readers,

This next month makes Mill House Ministries three years old! What started as a deep urgency to help encourage believers not to lose hope during the pandemic, has turned into a global audience of believers hearing about the fantastic news of God! While in these past three years, Mill House Ministries has changed and morphed; we can confidently say that we are forever grateful for Jesus Christ. Each week’s posts have been eager to help direct people back to Jesus and help those who have not known Him to come and see who this savior is.

As we continue into the following year, I want to personally say thank you to all the people who have been following us. We have reached ears in almost every nation, with thousands of people coming in weekly to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. We want to bring all the honor and glory once again back to Him, for it is all due to Him that we are here today.

Again, we ask that you keep your hearts, eyes, and mind focused on the Lord. Thank you for the three years. As always, we encourage you to take everything we say back to the Word of God and fact check it for yourself. Contact us if you have questions or concerns; and as always, please keep us in your prayers.

Thank you for being a part of this fantastic adventure with us. Now, let us open our Bibles and get back to work. See you in the next blog post!

Seek the truth and encourage one another Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming

Alex JL


A New Look On Life


Re-Post Friday