Mill House Ministries Is Four

Dear readers,

It seems as if I had just sat down to write our third year update; and now it turns out that by God’s grace we have been writing for a whole other year! The fact that this website has been running for four years is truly a testimony to God’s glory, our readers has continued to grow and I truly hope that you all have been able to use this website to grow deeper in your walk with Jesus Christ!

Now that another year has past, we are planning to continue to share what we have learned with you all! However, as we start our fifth year, we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers as we study, write, and declare Jesus Christ to the world. Pray that we are able to see where God is calling Mill House Ministries to go, pray that we are able to share His word more fully, and pray for our own walk with Jesus Christ as well. Thank you and we look forward to what this next year brings!

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday
