Mill House Ministry Prayer Request

Every now and then, we here at Mill House Ministries take a moment and want to say thank you to our readers and ask for your prayers. While this blog and ministry has been going now for over two years, it was created out of a burning desire to encourage believers to keep their eyes on Jesus Christ and to call for those who are not saved to come to Jesus before it is too late.

While not a post about the ministry, today we want to ask for your prayers. We have two specific prayer requests. First, that the Lord will continue to teach us His word and give us that burning desire to share it. Second, that we can continue to reach those around the world with the Gospel of Christ. These two prayer requests are greatly appreciated and we ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers.

But I do not want to end there, if you have prayer requests and would like us to pray for you; we ask that you go to our contact page and send us an email. We love to hear from our readers and will keep you in our prayers. If you have questions, we are here to help you find the Biblical answer that God has given us in His word. Jesus is an amazing God, and we live in a technological age where believers in Jesus Christ can reach each other without ever being face to face.

I want to say thank you for being apart of the Mill House Ministry and spending your days with us as we go on this amazing adventure. Thank you for your prayers and know that our work here is not done until we hear God say “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Thank you for keeping us apart of your life.

Mill House Ministries.


More Than A Closing


Re-Post Friday