A Christmas Publication

Last week we went over how the Holy Spirit could be considered the most quoted God-Head in the Bible, because of His involvement developing the Holy Scriptures. While there are several wonderful topics regarding the Holy Spirit, His reality, His role in the Trinity, His role with Man kind, and many others; today we are specifically looking at His role in regards to the creation of God’s written Word. Ironically, the best evidence of His role is actually found in His involvement with Christ’s birth. It should be noted that some scoffers who doubt the capability for the Holy Spirit to use man to write the Bible fail to recognize the full and tangible example of this being displayed in the work of the Holy Spirit about to bring Jesus Christ as a God-Man. The Holy Spirit uses Jesus Christ’s birth as a living example of what He was doing with the publication of His written word. When you evaluate the necessary actions for both, you can compare the similarities and see how Christ’s birth was a declaration of the Holy Spirit’s ability to be more than most understand and appreciate. Christ’s birth reveals the Holy Spirit’s ability to overshadow mankind for the creation of His perfect, pure, and unalterting Word. This is further expounded upon when Jesus Christ claims to be the Word of God! Christ’s perfection validates the Bible’s inerrancy which in turn validates the Holy Spirit’s role.

Some might argue symantec’s of the words “overshadow” or “guidance” but this only identifies limitations of man’s vocabulary within written languages rather than God’s capacity to properly utilize man and Himself in writing His scripture. While creation exhibits God’s existence, His Word exhibits the Holy Spirit’s role as being His true and only word. For those who might say God had to write the entire word and man had no part, I would point once again to how Christ came about. He was indeed a blood relative of Mary and an ancestor to King David, thus physically influenced. In comparison, the different books of the Bible each have their own unique characteristic of those who “penned” the book. The Holy Spirit appears to thrive on bringing out our unique attributes to set forth His perfect craftsmanship, in this case both the Holy scripture and the Son of God.

So as we celebrate the Christmas season, know that Christ’s birth also exemplifies the power of the Holy Spirit to bring about a completed message from God Himself to you and I, the sixty-six books of the Bible. I hope you have enjoyed this small study into a rather marvelous role of the Holy Spirit. I would encourage you to look into the scripture identified in the table and see where else God proclaims His roles in His word and in your life! We have a wonderful God in the Holy Spirit who brought to us not only His scripture, but also a living breathing Son of God who died and rose again for you and I. Let us not take this with indignant hearts, but rather meditate and ask the Holy Spirit to continue to teach us and reveal more of His master piece in His written word and in His final revelation in Jesus Christ.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming



A Strange Direction


Re-Post Friday