The Basics: A Brief Overview of Numbers

The Basics course is designed to help brothers and sisters in Christ, who have a desire for a brief study over each of the books of the Bible. While being more than just a timeline, it is designed to give a person a more realistic overview of the entire Bible. As well as pointing out different highlights along the way. Imagine riding in a car and seeing exit signs for a town. Each sign gives a brief glimpse of what is inside, while if you wanted to thoroughly investigate the town you would have to take the exit. This series is a collected work of the books of the Bible while continuing to drive past each of the exits. I would encourage you to take any exit and allow the Lord God to direct your path to where He would guide. 

The Bible is written into 66 different books. Each one unique on its own but designed to be with its other collected works. 

  Cautionary Note: This work is not to argue for the authenticity of the Bible nor is it to argue over the mechanics of how God used man to write His Words. This is designed as an overview for someone to review the book in passing. Nevertheless, we here at Mill House Ministries believe that the Bible is without error and was written by God, through His divine attributes, through man. 

 These overviews are sequenced in the below fashion. Each overview is designed to flow in unison. 

1.      Introduction

2.      Who wrote it

3.      When did they write it

4. Key topics 

5.   Key sections

6.   Books that interact with each other

7. Analysis of the Book

 As previously stated, if you find yourself drawn to one of these books, please take the time and see what God is wanting to show you in that book. 

 BASICS COURSE: Numbers (Pentateuch) 


The book called Numbers in the Bible was written by the Prophet Moses. You could say he is the oldest, most well known, and well written historian to ever be published. Pentateuch is the collected work of the first five books of the Bible. The term Pentateuch literally means “Five Books.” Jewish scholars identify this book as one of the five books of “The Law.” The name Numbers comes from the censuses recorded in chapter 1 and 26. This book is all about the consequences of faith or the lack there of. Many people will skip this book and assume that it is only historical in nature, however they couldn’t be further from the truth. It is here that the Christian is taught a valuable lesson of wondering in sin, but also the symbolism of a coming savior. 


Moses is the son of Amram and Jochebed, he lived as an adopted son to Egyptian royalty. After murdering an Egyptian, he fled to the wilderness. There God called to him in a burning bush. He was than commissioned to lead the Jewish nation out of Egypt and into the promised land that God had ordained. He would lead them until his death, but unfortunately never into the promise land. He talked with God like a friend. Exodus 33:11a “So the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend.” Moses is considered to be one of the greatest people in the Bible, and is even mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 as one of the greats in the faith. 


Moses lived and was a witness during the events of Numbers. Through the inspiration of the Word of God, he was called to write down the events which transpired. According to famed author and Bible theologian Don Stewart, Moses lived during the Late Bronze Age around 1550 to 1200 B.C. We know that Numbers was written during this time frame. 


This book discusses the Jewish tribes, the Tabernacle, the Promised Land, war, God’s judgement, faith, Nephilim, rebellion, and the need for a savior.


  This book can be outlined in the following; chapters 1-8 is Israel being prepared to march into the wilderness. Chapters 9-10 is a description of the events as they marched to their destination. Chapters 11-12 are the events of Sinai to Kadesh, chapters 13-14 describes the failure of Israel at Kadesh. Chapters 15-25 describes Israel and their poor attitude towards the Lord and the 40 years of wondering in the wilderness. Finally, chapters 26-36 shows a new generation preparing to enter the Promised Land. 


Surprisingly, the book of Numbers is hinted at throughout the Old and New Testament. How the young Jewish nation acted in Numbers would reflect throughout the entire Old Testament, while the book of Numbers is referenced specifically in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament.


Numbers can be argued as one of the most unused books by Christians today. There are many who miss the amazing lessons for us living today that can be found in the book. Here we see a group of saved individuals, who do not have the faith that God will provide for them, so they are stuck wondering the Sin Desert. They were only supposed to be in the desert for a little period of time, and than make it to the Promise Land of Milk and Honey. However, their lack of faith cost them greatly, were they still saved? Yes, Moses being chief of them could not enter the Promise Land, yet he was a friend of God. Like the Hebrews than, many Christians today are saved and stuck in the Sin Desert. Instead of trusting Jesus Christ to take us across the Jordan and allowing Him to take the sin out of our life, we grumble, complain, and lack the faith that Christ can do what He has promised to do. The result is years of being a spiritual baby Christian, with no firm grounding in what the Lord has promised us. It is safe to say that a majority of saved believers are stuck in the desert, wandering around, sinning and confessing, sinning and confessing until they finally pass away. I was one of those people. It took over twenty years to learn that if only I would allow God to take full control of my life, and be more than just my salvation; He was ready to transform my life into what He had planned. Numbers is a great book in symbolizing this spiritual break through that so many of us need to recognize and accept. Numbers helps the modern day believer realize that Christ is still needed to continue to cleanse ourselves from our sinful desires to this day. Numbers is an outline for the Christian to understand the “sanctified life.” For more on this I would encourage you to read, V. Raymond Edman’s book They Found the Secret. This book helps highlight what Numbers is explaining. V. Raymond Edman states this transformation, “Said the Savior: ‘I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.’ We find newness of life in Christ by receiving Him as our own Savior from the penalty of sin. Abundance of that life we find by surrendering self and drawing on the unfailing resources of the Almighty. There is life and then there is life more abundant. This is the exchanged life. The expression, ‘the exchanged life,’ was first used, as far as I know, by J. Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission. Out of striving and struggling, out of discouragement and defeat he came to the realization of life more abundant in Christ. I have found no happier description than his: The Exhanged Life.” A close study of the book of Numbers, helps reveal this promise to those believers who are willing to allow Jesus to make the transformation we need. For those who might say this is too far fetched for the Old Testament, I would only point them to the symbol the Jewish nation would make when they marched. This symbol in the sky was non other than the cross. Their enemies watching from the mountains and hills would see the cross marching towards them. For us, the book of Numbers is a book of traveling, but directing us to understanding the reality of trusting Jesus Christ in your life after He has already saved you. 

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming 



A Biblical Departure
