Dear reader!

Mill House Ministries is proud to announce “Re-post Friday” this will be a chance for reviewing previous Biblical lessons published by Mill House Ministries. With a growing reader population, we on staff have realized not everyone has read our previous posts and we want to give everyone that chance.

We encourage all readers to review these posts in comparison to what the Bible says. We have a wonderful God who helps guide Christians in His Word. “Make me know your ways, O Lord; Teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me for you are the God of my salvation; For you I wait all the day” Psalm 25:4-5. Re-post Friday will post every Friday at 8am EST.

Remember if you ever want to ask a question or request a post on a specific subject feel free to look at our contact information and ask/request. As always Keep the Lord first and be focused on our Blessed Hope.

Love in Christ,

Mill House Ministries Staff


A Message to this Generation II


Counting it all Joy