Not So Minor After All

The Basics Course is continuing, but I realized I should probably help explain a rather large issue that many people tend to have regarding the next 12 books of the Bible. Typically called the Minor Prophets, they have regrettably been passed over by many for three reasons.

1)      Misrepresentation by being labeled as “Minor.” No part of God’s Word should ever be viewed as minor. However, the prophets of Hosea through Malachi have been considered minor due to the length of their written documents. If you have ever seen a piece of dynamite or perhaps a grenade explode, you know that something quite small can be rather large in its impact. The splitting of an atom creates catastrophic results. These Minor prophets are writing about grand and devastating moments in history that impact the entire world.

2)      The second misrepresentation is to think they have nothing for believers today. This is very wrong, for much of what these prophets are declaring are actually coming to pass today. While these books are historical in nature, they reveal for us God’s character and prophetic action which will come about in its due time.

3)      Finally, the Minor Prophets point out that no matter the time frame, circumstances, or environment, there is no man that is without failure. Our sin does not come to fruition based on our situation, but rather because who we are. God’s Word points to a need for Jesus Christ to come and rescue us. The Minor Prophets help reveal the need for a Savior, but also provides the valuable information on how to identify the Messiah from the counterfeits. They help us understand what Jesus must do for Israel to finally come to the realization that their King is Jesus Christ.

So, as we continue going through these 12 books; please remember they are minor only in size of reading, not in textual information or quality of information. Paul reminds us “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. So, dig into the Minor Prophets with the same vigor as you would any other book of the Bible, but remember the same rules apply.

Golden Rule Number 1. Pray for wisdom that God guides you in understanding and rightfully discerning His Word. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, it is the glory for us to search it out. God loves to help you and I when we seek to know more about Him in His word.

Golden Rule Number 2. Scripture answers Scripture. Somewhere else in the Bible, is the answer to what you are pondering about in whichever passage you are reading.

Golden Rule Number 3. Context. Context, Context! Read it seriously. Ask yourself “What is the context of what is being read?”

Gold Rule Number 4. The original language knows best. As much as some might say that God’s Word is only KJV, NASB, or NIV, it is not. Go back to the original Greek and Hebrew!

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



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