Pray For Our Leaders

For our American readers, we are only a few days away from an election that will decide the direction of our nation. While it is imperative that we all go out and vote according to how Scripture leads us, there is another aspect that I am encouraging you all to do. We need to be praying for whomever it is that will take office, not just nationally but locally as well. We need to pray that the individuals who take office are Spirit filled, that they will honor Israel, and that they will surround themselves with others who hold fast to God’s word. We also need to be praying that God’s will is done, He already knows the results of the election because He has already placed that person in charge. No leader takes authority without God allowing it, and this means both good and bad leadership. What we can be doing today is praying for the individuals and praying for our nation to have a revival to Him. So today, we are going to be looking at a few verses in order to prepare our hearts to pray for whomever it is that will take office.

Psalm 72: These twenty verses are a wonderful reminder of what a nation can be like under a leader who follows God. It is filled with blessings upon the nation. While it will not be complete until Jesus Christ rules from earth, it is still a wonderful passage to look at and pray that our leaders will embody.

1 Timothy 2:1-2: First of all, then, I ask that requests, prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving be made for all people. Pray for kings and everyone who is in authority so that we can live a quiet and peaceful life in complete godliness and dignity.” Pray for those who are in authority, prayer does not come back empty God will always answer and this passage shows that we receive a blessing if we pray for those in charge.

Psalm 22:28: 28 For the kingdom is the Lord’s And He rules over the nations.” A reminder that it is God who places individuals in power and the ultimate authority belongs to Him. This does not mean that we need to stop praying for our leaders, we can always be praying that they will have wisdom and discernment and that they will come to know Him if they do not already.

These are only a handful of verses that discuss praying for our leaders. So whether or not you have already cast your ballot, take time over the next few days and start praying for our future leaders. Pray that they will follow God, pray that they will have wisdom and discernment, pray for an easy transition of power, and pray for our nation that more will come to know Him.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday
