Currently there is a myth in Bible study groups that have identified the book of Psalms as a book designed for the musical and artistic inclined only. For over 25 years, I was a victim of this myth not wanting to touch the book of psalms because I thought I wouldn’t relate. In my younger and more ignorant years, I believed the book of psalms was for the men who were less masculine than others. I heard others didn’t want to read the psalms because they couldn’t be taken seriously as a Bible topic, or others indicated it was for worship only. However, it was not until almost in my 30’s that I came to the unique and undoubtable truth in God’s Word that the book of Psalms is a marvelous book designed for the reader in any stage of their life. The book of Psalms is quite literally the Swiss army knife for readers. I wanted to bring this up because many do not see the value of reading this book, and many more do not know how to properly read this book. The book of Psalms should be identified as small independent chapters that can be seen as scenes in time. While King David did write a large chunk of them, they are not all about his life. Some are scenes of Jesus on the Cross (“Psalm 22”) while others are of eyewitness accounts of certain scenes happening on earth at very specific times.

When reading the book of Psalms, you need to keep the following rules in mind.

1)      Who wrote it?

2)      Why did they write it?

3)      When did they write it?

4)      Where did they write it?

5)      Is the author writing about themselves or writing of a scene? For instance, King David writing about the scene of Jesus Christ on the cross in Psalm 22 or God the Father watching His Son on the Cross in Psalm 18.

6)      Is it prophetic like the Maskil Psalms, such as but not limited to Psalm 83?

7)      Is there undiscovered scientific truth like but not limited to Psalm 19?

8)      Is there a humanities statement like but not limited to Psalm 10?

9)      Is there a Spiritual statement like but not limited to Psalm 8?

10)   What does this mean for me right now in my life?

I bring all this up to hopefully help you understand the truth in knowing the treasures awaiting those who read all of God’s Word including the book of Psalms. Remember all scripture is breathed by God and is good for us. Paul states this clearly, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Remember Psalms is written for anyone who picks up the Bible and wants to know who God is. So this means you and I and anyone else in-between, the scenes will speak to us sooner or later in a particular time and when they do you will appreciate all the more the book of Psalms.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,




