Scientific Declaration

One argument that many claim about the Bible being inaccurate is based on the assumption the Bible is void of scientific facts. This is unfortunate, since the Bible is not only a spiritual book but is equally a scientific book. Unlike man’s research, the Bible is written by the ultimate scientist thus, man is still attempting to learn what God declares. Today I wanted to point you to a scientific discovery that the Bible declared thousands of years ago.

Psalms 135:7-7 (NASB95)He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; Who makes lightnings for the rain, Who brings forth the wind from His treasuries.”

Let’s examine specifically “who makes lightnings for the rain.” When I first read the verse, I thought it sounded strange as if the lightning was made for the rain. I first went to check three different English translations wanting to make sure I had an understanding which all three give the same “for the rain” statement.

Psalms 135:7-7 (NKJV) “He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain; He brings the wind out of His treasuries.”

Psalms 135:7-7 (DBY) “Who causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; who maketh lightnings for the rain; who bringeth the wind out of his treasuries.”

My next step was to look up what lightning does for rain, and to my astonishment lightning plays a vital role in rain helping plants grow. Nitrogen in the air is 78% while 21% is oxygen. Plants cannot get the needed nitrogen in the air but needs assistance. In a brief and basic description, lightning helps break down the two so rain can carry both to the plants. Lightning helps rain bring the nutrients. This is why certain regions of the world that have massive thunderstorms have some of the riches soils and vibrant growth. There is a clear connection between the two.

“A nitrogen molecule in the air consists of two atoms which are held together very tightly. In order for plants to absorb nitrogen, the two atoms must be separated. But, it takes an enormous blast of energy to break apart those nitrogen molecules and convert them to a compound that plants can use.That’s where lightning comes into play. As lightning blasts through the atmosphere, it breaks apart nitrogen molecules. This allows them to combine with oxygen in the air to form nitrogen oxides. The rain dissolves these into nitrates, then carries them to Earth and into the soil. Nitrates are considered a “super fertilizer.” So, in addition to providing a spectacular light show, lightning also helps fertilize the soil and plants green up faster.” Erin Thomas

Keep in mind that the significance of lightning only became clear in recent years. So while previously in history many thought that the gods were angry and fighting during a thunderstorm; the only true and living God had already declared in His scientific book that lightning is the key to help bring the needed nutrients for plants. This is why we must take our Bible studies seriously and realize that Proverbs 25:2 is still applicable, Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”

So if you ever think that the Bible is scientifically inaccurate, I encourage you to go and do the research yourself with the knowledge that current science is still growing. All of what the Bible states may not be understood by today’s scientific understanding. However, as we grow closer to Jesus Christ’s return, we will see that every part of God’s Word is trustworthy and perfect.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed hope is coming,



A Quick Comparison


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