Summer Plan and Challenge

Summer is only a few days away and I thought it would be prudent to have a discussion regarding summer plans. Many of you might be planning trips with family, friends, and other loved ones. Some might be planning personal time away from all the chaos that the year brings. I want to give you encouragement and a little something extra to help you plan a summer Bible study. There is no place in scripture where God says we are to take a vacation from Him. It is only reasonable that we take time out of our busy schedule to look at a chance to escape the craziness and enjoy a moment’s break; however, let us use these moments to seek the Lord.

With that said, I have a summer challenge for you. Over the next 13 weeks, take a moment and examine the following topics in the Bible and see what God might be wanting to reveal to you. This summer challenge is 12 weeks long allowing for one week to be extended based on what God might be calling you to do.

These topics are to be taken one by one each week, you can go as deep as need be. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us here at Mill House Ministries or even ask your local pastor, or Christian brother/sister you know.

  1. Week One: God’s name. Examine God’s names and see the meanings behind each. Look at what is the first name that is used and the last, compare the two. Look for the most widely used to the least and see how they intertwine.

  2. Week Two: Examination of the Father through Jesus’s statements. Examine Jesus’s words describing the Father. Look at what His characteristics are, His actions, and thoughts.

  3. Week Three: Examination of the Holy Spirit through Jesus’s statements. Examine Jesus’s words describing the Holy Spirit. Look at what His characteristics are, His actions, and thoughts.

  4. Week Four: Read Hebrews chapter 11. See what the author of Hebrews says about each person and what God was able to do in their life.

  5. Week Five: Review the accounts of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Sarah. Examine their actions and situations, is there applicability in your own life with one of them?

  6. Week Six: Review the accounts of Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Rahab. Examine their actions and situations, is there applicability in your own life with one or more of them?

  7. Week Seven: Pick one book of the Bible and read the entirety. Before starting, ask God to share with you something that week, ask for Him to identify something that you need to know within that book of the Bible. Take notes and look for any verses that connect with what you are reading and write them down in your Bible.

  8. Week Eight: Examine each of the disciples interactions and accounts on how they were called to follow Jesus. Then examine your own story and write it down. See which of the disciples comes closest to yours. Don’t worry it will not be a perfect fit but there might be one that you gravitate towards more than the others. (You can also look at the women discussed who were there as well).

  9. Week Nine: Pick one section of scripture and memorize it. Suggestions are the following, Luke 1:32-33, Romans 4:17-18, Philippians 3:20-21, and finally Revelation 22:12-13. No matter what you pick, see how it is applicable to you. Does the scripture bring about a commandment? Does it bring about understanding or is it focused on something entirely different?

  10. Week Ten: Examine 1st Timothy and see evaluate if your own Church is following what is commanded.

  11. Week Eleven: Examine the fruits of the Spirit and see which you need to work on. Prioritize this each day for the week looking for ways to practice. Ask the Lord to provide opportunities to use the fruits.

  12. Week Twelve: The final week seek the Lord through prayer and examine what these last weeks have been for you. Ask the Lord to help you continue on with your studies and prepare for the coming Fall. Write down your thoughts and ideas so that you can reflect on them later on.

I hope this challenge will be more of a launch pad for deeper personal studies for you with God. Remember, that if you ever have questions, concerns, or requests we at Mill House Ministries are here for you. If this seems to be overwhelming, don’t worry God makes two promises you need to know about. First, God promises that He is intimately aware of the hidden treasure within His word for us, but also that it is for our betterment we seek that treasure, Proverbs 25:2 “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter.” And finally, God knows our intentions and wants to help us, God declares in Jeremiah 29:13You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Happy Summer!

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



Only A Number


Re-Post Friday