The Basics: A Brief Overview of the Book of Hosea

The Basics course is designed to help brothers and sisters in Christ, who have a desire for a brief study over each of the books of the Bible. While being more than just a timeline, it is designed to give a person a more realistic overview of the entire Bible. As well as pointing out different highlights along the way. Imagine riding in a car and seeing exit signs for a town. Each sign gives a brief glimpse of what is inside, while if you wanted to thoroughly investigate the town you would have to take the exit. This series is a collected work of the books of the Bible while continuing to drive past each of the exits. I would encourage you to take any exit and allow the Lord God to direct your path to where He would guide. 

The Bible is written into 66 different books. Each one unique on its own but designed to be with its other collected works. 

Cautionary Note: This work is not to argue for the authenticity of the Bible nor is it to argue over the mechanics of how God used man to write His Words. This is designed as an overview for someone to review the book in passing. Nevertheless, we here at Mill House Ministries believe that the Bible is without error and was written by God, through His divine attributes, through man. 

These overviews are sequenced in the below fashion. Each overview is designed to flow in unison. 

1.) Introduction

2.) Who wrote it

3.) When did they write it

4.) Key topics

5.) Key sections

6.) Books that interact with each other

7.) Analysis of the Book

As previously stated, if you find yourself drawn to one of these books, please take the time and see what God is wanting to show you in that book. 




Not much is known about Hosea other than what is written in his book. But what we do know is that his life was on display to bring awareness to the relationship between God and Israel, and how Israel was being unfaithful to a faithful God. Like with the other 12 Minor Prophets, they are not so minor, and we encourage you to read our post on why they are called Minor.


The book of Hosea is named after its author, Hosea.  


The time this book is written is during Hosea’s own ministry which Biblical scholars, historians, and archaeologists have identified roughly around 760- 720 B.C.


The key topic of this book is returning to an ever-faithful God. God loves you and I, and He is willing to let us go through the pain and sorrow we want to in order for us to finally come to the realization that He is what we really need and wish for.   


The book can be divided into two parts. Part one being chapters 1-3, which show how Hosea’s wife is unfaithful. Part two is chapters 4-14, which reveals Israel’s sin towards God.  


Hosea interacts historically with 1 and 2 Chronicles and Kings, but does have connection to Ezekiel and Daniel with the events that were unfolding. Hosea is writing during a time that other Old Testament prophets were also writing to Israel.


  Hosea is a book that points to the love that God has for His people Israel. For most of the world who are not of Jewish decent, it gives us a better understanding of God’s undying love for Israel but also reassurance that if He will not leave Israel than God will not leave you and I. The book also helps identify what it means for us to have idols in our own life, and how God thinks of it. A little sin to us is a BIG SIN to God. So, as you read through Hosea, take to heart the pain and frustration that God reveals when Israel is unfaithful to Him. But also see His earnest love and devotion to them, even when they reject Him. Hosea is a book of assurances that God promises to love us even when He reveals how disgusting our sin is in His presence. Finally, the book ends with a prophetic revelation of Israel returning to the Lord in the last days with chapters 13-14 refuting those who might claim that God is done with Israel.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



Where Do Temptations Come From?
