The Basics: A Brief Overview of the Book of Obadiah

The Basics course is designed to help brothers and sisters in Christ, who have a desire for a brief study over each of the books of the Bible. While being more than just a timeline, it is designed to give a person a more realistic overview of the entire Bible. As well as pointing out different highlights along the way. Imagine riding in a car and seeing exit signs for a town. Each sign gives a brief glimpse of what is inside, while if you wanted to thoroughly investigate the town you would have to take the exit. This series is a collected work of the books of the Bible while continuing to drive past each of the exits. I would encourage you to take any exit and allow the Lord God to direct your path to where He would guide.

The Bible is written into 66 different books. Each one unique on its own but designed to be with its other collected works.

Cautionary Note: This work is not to argue for the authenticity of the Bible nor is it to argue over the mechanics of how God used man to write His Words. This is designed as an overview for someone to review the book in passing. Nevertheless, we here at Mill House Ministries believe that the Bible is without error and was written by God, through His divine attributes, through man.

These overviews are sequenced in the below fashion. Each overview is designed to flow in unison.

1.) Introduction

2.) Who wrote it

3.) When did they write it

4.) Key topics

5.) Key sections

6.) Books that interact with each other

7.) Analysis of the Book

As previously stated, if you find yourself drawn to one of these books, please take the time and see what God is wanting to show you in that book.




The book of Obadiah is simple, but powerful. It is a declaration of God’s view and actions against those who would take advantage of His people.


The book of Obadiah is named after its author Obadiah.


There is much speculation on when the book of Obadiah was written. Some have speculated that this book was written during Jeremiah’s day leading us to believe 587 B.C. Yet, others have placed the authorship and life of Obadiah around 887 B.C. If the book is written in 587 B.C it is historical, if the book is written in 887 B.C it is prophetic. Both arguments identify verse 11 as being the key verse. However, the answer comes from understanding verses 15 through 21. Here the author talks about the “Day of the Lord.” If the book is historical, authority of declaration within the book. Anyone can declare their deity is angry for something that has happened. But only the living God can declare something and mark its authenticity and authority through another prophetic event. Based on previous books of the Bible and declarations of God, I believe the book of Obadiah is prophetic.


The key topic of Obadiah is judgement on the nations and the restoration of the Jewish people.


Being only one chapter, the book is simple in length but requires further attention and cross analysis to understand it in its entirety. The book can thus be divided into two parts. Part one is judgement on Edom and part two shows the future restoration of the Jewish people.


Obadiah connects to many books of the Bible such as Kings, Chronicles, Psalms, Ezra, Zechariah, Haggai, and Revelation.


Obadiah proves that God can take a nobody and make them a somebody, we have no idea where Obadiah came from. The book also proves that our work in Christ is the only eternal work we have. We have no idea what Obadiah did after writing this prophetic book, God has uniquely left this information void and in doing so has highlighted for the reader only what we are reading. The book of Obadiah is God declaring judgment for the wicked but promising restoration for the Jewish people. The book can be highlighted in revealing His master plan for His holy people. This proves what God says in Malachi 3:6 “For I [am] the LORD, I do not change; Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” Obadiah can be read within two minutes but to be properly understood, the student must go to virtually all other sources of God’s ordeals with Israel in the Old Testament and with future events. Finally, Obadiah proves that something small if willing to listen and follow the Lord can be powerful, God takes someone history had forgotten and makes them eternal. Obadiah is a subtle revelation of the character of God showing that His promises will be kept and a warning to those who would bet against Him.

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



Jesus Is Always There
