The Basics: A Brief Overview of Zechariah

The Basics course is designed to help brothers and sisters in Christ, who have a desire for a brief study over each of the books of the Bible. While being more than just a timeline, it is designed to give a person a more realistic overview of the entire Bible. As well as pointing out different highlights along the way. Imagine riding in a car and seeing exit signs for a town. Each sign gives a brief glimpse of what is inside, while if you wanted to thoroughly investigate the town you would have to take the exit. This series is a collected work of the books of the Bible while continuing to drive past each of the exits. I would encourage you to take any exit and allow the Lord God to direct your path to where He would guide.

The Bible is written in 66 different books. Each one is unique on its own but designed to be with its other collected works.

     Cautionary Note: This work is not to argue for the authenticity of the Bible nor is it to argue over the mechanics of how God used man to write His Words. This is designed as an overview for someone to review the book in passing. Nevertheless, we here at Mill House Ministries believe that the Bible is without error and was written by God, through His divine attributes, through man.

These overviews are sequenced in the below fashion. Each overview is designed to flow in unison.

1.) Introduction

2.) Who wrote it

3.) When did they write it

4.) Key topics

5.) Key sections

6.) Books that interact with each other

7.) Analysis of the Book

As previously stated, if you find yourself drawn to one of these books, please take the time and see what God is wanting to show you in that book.




     If you have ever wanted to know how to invest in the next generation, Zechariah is the book for you. See how the faithful can shape the future of the world by obeying and knowing that the mission set before them might bring to fruit well after the actions of the faithful.


      The book of Zechariah is named after its author and is written as a prophetic book with direct application to the Jewish people of his day and future generations.


     We know the book is written over the years of 520 BC to 486 BC.


     Zechariah captures the essence of Israel like no other minor prophet book could do. We see the heart of man revealed, seperating those who would follow the true living God, and those who are destined to follow a counterfeit.   


     The book can be broken up into multiple easy to read sections such as initial introduction, each separate vision, and the future glory of God through the nation of Israel. This culminates to the final section of prophecy regarding Israel and the coming 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ.


      Zechariah connects to virtually every book of the Bible. It is truly a masterful book; connecting Israel with its former glory and coming greater glory under Jesus Christ the true Messiah King.


      While the book does not reflect the history of Israel as other books do, Zechariah captures the best understanding of the relationship of God with Israel and thus the fruit of this relationship with God and mankind. If you are working in an area that you believe the fruit will not come about until long after you are gone, Zechariah is a book for you. If you believe that the Old Testament has no connection to the New Testament, Zechariah is for you. Zechariah is the cornerstone to understanding human history and how there must be a literal 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ on the throne in Jerusalem. What we fail to understand in today’s world is, God’s eternal focus on saving mankind. Zechariah reveals this truth. Zechariah has been described as the teaser trailer for Jesus Christ first coming and second coming. I would recommend Zechariah for the sole purpose of its unique capacity to point to Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life. Nevertheless, this book should be read due to the importance of what is written, Zechariah gave up his life so that we could have this book. According to Jesus Christ’s own words Zechariah was murdered bringing the Word of God to us. Matthew 23:35that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.”

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



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