The Certainty of Faith (II)

Last week we had a discussion on how faith is based on things that we cannot see. The basis of this argument is found in Hebrews 11:1, 11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” However, it is important for the born-again Christian to understand that there are things outside of the Bible that point to God. This process is called apologetics and is based on the command found in 1 Peter 3:15, “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect;”

  You see, we are commanded to always be ready to make a defense for the faith. This is the purpose of apologetics. It is the answer to the individual who asks us to point to God and even at times without using the Bible. We are called to give an account of where our hope is, for the born-again believer our hope is in Jesus Christ and His promises. But how can we answer the individual who wants to understand our hope but is unwilling to crack open a Bible and see how faith comes with the assurance of what we cannot see? That is the purpose of today’s post. I am wanting to share with you all some resources that you can use.

1.)  Institute for Creation Research (ICR)- this website is a great resource to understand scientific evidence for the Biblical account of creation, as well as showing how natural occurrences cannot explain miracles found in the Bible. Not only do they offer some great podcasts, but check out their discovery center!

2.)  The Arc- this is a great place for more hands on learners. Built exactly to the dimensions of the Arc, this replica offers accounts of what life was like on the Arc. This is great for families!

3.)  Answers in Genesis is a wonderful website that offers not only topical based articles but also articles on how to think critically and defend the faith.

  Each of these are not only useful for the individual but also for a family. The next generation is leaving the faith partly because they do not know the truth the Bible stands on. Science backs the Bible, nature declares God, and Jesus’ truth is imbedded in all aspects in the visible and invisible world. While all believers are called to know and be ready with answers, God has called some to be more of the experts in the fields of science declaring God’s fingerprint in creation. I would encourage you to look at these sights and be good Bereans and see how our faith is not built on vain hope, but on a solid rock. I hope this brief list will encourage you all to take your understanding of the faith in a deeper direction so that you can look at the world around you and see the different answers outside of the Bible that show God!

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



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