The Importance of Gifts

There is a common thing amongst Christians that is often quite misunderstood, and that is spiritual gifts. We have all read the lists given to us through Scripture, I am even sure we have taken a few different online quizzes to see which gifts are prevalent in us. There is so much hyper focus to the spiritual gifts we at times fail to think of the best ways to apply what God has given us. Over the next few weeks, we will be going through the lists of spiritual gifts in order to gain a better insight into what they are, this will hopefully allow you to also see which gifts you may have. However, before we get into the gifts it is important to understand a few themes when it comes to the spiritual gifts.

1.) No list of spiritual gifts is complete. Out of the passages that we will be discussing, none of them have the exact same gifts listed. Some of the passages will mention the same gifts but leave out others; or they will add further gifts to those that have already been mentioned. Some gifts will be mentioned multiple times while others will only be mentioned once. This shows that an exhaustive list is not found in scripture.

2.) No gift is greater than the others. Paul makes it clear in 1 Corinthians 12:14-18 that each born again Christian will serve a role within the body of Christ. Our differences do not make some better than others, but allow us to all work towards the goal of representing Christ to the unbelieving world.

3.) Gifts can be presented in different ways. Since each born again believer in Christ is their own unique person, the way they present a spiritual gift may be different than someone else who also shares this gift. While we will discuss this later, I will use the example of teaching. One person who may be gifted in teaching might best use their gift in a classroom, while another might use it to lead a Bible study. Same gift, presented in two different ways.

4.) Each gift is from God and will thus glorify God. Again, Paul makes this theme clear in 1 Corinthians 12:11, 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.” In order for the spiritual gifts to be prevalent, each individual must first accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Spiritual gifts are not works for salvation. They are actions as a result of someone who is actively following after Jesus Christ, an individual’s actions with their gifts will always point back to God.

I hope you are excited as we spend the next couple of weeks going over the different spiritual gifts!

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday
