Up Our Game

Father’s Day is typically designed to recognize fathers’ hard work every year. Many times the job is thankless, with late nights and early mornings. Yet, when Father’s Day comes about, we might forget that this is a perfect opportunity to “up our game” as fathers. First, I need to recognize the hard truth; many men are in fatherly roles. This also applies to you, Grandpa’s, uncles, stepfathers, adopted fathers, and those men who have taken the call and become the father figure someone needs. This challenge is for you as well.

We need to use this moment to help define what a father truly is for our families. The uniqueness of the holiday being solely focused on fathers allows an enormous opportunity to direct the proper honor to the Heavenly Father and to thank the people in our lives. I know that I wouldn't have this holiday if not for my loving wife and two amazing daughters. I wouldn’t have the honor and privilege of being the father in the house. So, take this time and recognize how proud you are of them and what accomplishments they have done. For a father to use his role to identify others is not only essential but Biblical. Look at the book of Matthew, chapter 3. Here we see the Heavenly Father publicly recognize His Son, Jesus Christ.

“After He was baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and settling on Him, 17 and behold, a voice from the heavens said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:16-17.

This is a moment where Jesus Christ is submitting to the Father’s will. Here is an opportunity for the Father to bask in His own glory but instead, He loves His Son and recognizes the amazing work He has done. The Father is continuing His work even at a time He is not expected to.

Fathers should be vigilant in using their position for righteousness and empowering those they serve. I can see no other perfect time to reveal the character traits of the Heavenly Father than by showing how proud we are like fathers to be helping those in our lives; what an honor to inform the actions like Jesus did when washing the disciple’s feet. As fathers, we must utilize every opportunity to strengthen and equip those we serve. I can think of no better day to have this as a topic than a day celebrating fathers. So with that said, as one father to another. Happy Father’s Day. Now let’s get back to work!  

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



Taking Charge of Our Faith


Re-Post Friday