As a child I always hated the week in between Christmas and New Years. The Holiday season was coming to a close and the dreaded day of returning to school had almost arrived. I loved the holidays, I loved the merriment in the air but when December 26th would hit, what I was dreading for weeks was starting to peak its ugly head. 

Today many around the world might be thinking this as well, Christmas is over and a new year is coming. 2020 beat us, imprisoned us, and changed our world forever. With 2021 some are optimistic, others are pessimistic, yet 2021 is coming nevertheless.

As a Christian I know what the Bible says, and I can lean on Him for comfort with the upcoming year. “As for God, His way is blameless; The word of the Lord is refined; He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.” Psalm 18:30. So whatever comes out of 2021 I can stand firm in knowing that God’s Word is sufficient for our needs. I can know that wherever 2021 takes the believer, we can be assured that we will be in the Lord’s capable hands, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, you are there.” Psalm 139:7-8. We can rest assured that whatever could happen in 2021 will be overmatched by God’s goodness, “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His loving kindness is everlasting,” Psalm 136:1

This coming year, Mill House Ministries wants to develop and commit ourselves to you the readers even more. We want to help you seek the Lord in these three ways as we grow together. He is our Comfort, He is Present, and He is Good. These are three key issues we saw people forget about during 2020. 

This coming year, we look forward to what the Lord will be doing around the world, and individually in our own lives. Unlike years before as a child, I now eagerly look to the future. Not as a optimist but as a realist knowing, “looking for the Blessed Hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” Titus 2:13. Mill House Ministries wants you to know that we will be standing with you in 2021 even more! This coming year we are expanding our reach, ministry materials, and bringing new content to which will hopefully help “exhort and reprove” us all as we see the day slowly coming closer. 

What we ask of you, the reader, are three important things. First, to seek the Lord with all your Heart, with all your Soul, and with all Your Mind. Keep Him as the first part of your day and the last, keep Him in every part in between, and seek Him in all things you do. 

Secondly, we would ask fervently for your prayers. As the Ministry grows, so do the demands. We ask for you to help us grow in the Lord ourselves, but also with how to best answer the call God has placed on our hearts to minister to the faithful believers in this late hour. 

Finally, we would ask you to use the material wisely. We pray that Mill House Ministries is never an annoyance for you, but rather a tool eagerly accessible for you to utilize in your daily walk and personal ministries as well. If you are ever in need of prayer, guidance, and or anything in between please do not hesitate to ask us. 

Two unique ministry tools that are coming in January. The first will be an email subscription, (FREE) which we will send periodic study materials and other unique aspects from behind the scenes here at Mill House Ministries. 

Our second unique ministry tool is the transition of the Weekly Prophecy update into a Monthly one. We quickly realized many readers are in need of guidance and education as to what Bible prophecy is about. We want to help go deeper and teach/train you to be able to see the developments as they come about. To be part of this monthly group you will need to subscribe. 

Mill House Ministries is also working to produce new material’s which will be revealed in the coming months.

Finally, I want to end this year with giving you hope! While the world is apparently getting darker, for us who are believers this is our cue. It is our time to shine, as the world gets darker, we get brighter, as they get uglier, we love more. We are God’s light onto the World and it is our honor to shine for Him. As the signs of the times increase, we need to understand where we are, step up to the plate, and be bolder for Christ. The stakes are high and the opposition is tough, but in God all things are possible. This isn't the time to sit and be silent, but to dig deep in the Word and be ready for God to direct you to your calling. The music has turned on and its game day! There has been no generation before that has seen the things that are coming and has had the high honor to do the things God has called us to do. It is time for the believers to be actively seeking the truth and declaring the Gospel to anyone who will listen. Jesus Christ saves! Jesus Christ reigns! And Jesus Christ is coming for those who are His. 

Happy New Year! 

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



A New Year, A New You
