What’s In A Name?

As born-again followers of Jesus Christ, we know the importance of the inspired word of God. We understand that the Bible is meant to be studied and reflected upon, we also know that the Bible has more to teach us then we can ever know. Now as we come to the season where many are making resolutions for the New Year. Just as I am sure there is more than one of our readers who state that this year they want to go deeper in their Bible studies, I am sure that there are those who simply don’t know how to look past the surface level of what the Bible can teach us. Today, I want to offer you one way that you can have an understanding that every word and name in the Bible is there on purpose, none of it was by accident or a mistake. Today I ask that you look at Genesis 5:25.

25 Now Methuselah lived 187 years, and fathered Lamech.”

You may be wondering why we are looking as such a short verse and one that does not seem to hold any meaning whatsoever. That is until you look at the meaning behind the name of Methuselah. Before we get to that however, I want to remind you of some events that were occurring during this time. Genesis chapter five reveals the dependents of Adam. This includes Enoch who is arguably a man who had the greatest relationship with God besides Jesus Christ the Son of God. “Then Enoch walked with God three hundred years after he became the father of Methuselah” Genesis 5:22a. The reason why I bring up Enoch being the father of Methuselah, is because for a man with such great faith to give his son a name that means “When He Is Dead It Shall Be Sent”.

The fact is that Enoch was prophesizing the event that would occur in chapters six and seven. 17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish.” Genesis 6:17. However, this flood only occurred after Methuselah had died. We can see that Enoch was warning the people of the day about a coming disaster. Even the small things can be huge when looked at through the right focus.

So this year, as you strive to grow in your understanding of the word of God, know that there is nothing in the Bible that does not have meaning behind it. We simply need to ask God to teach us and take the time to dive into His word.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



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