Why Prophecy?

          You have probably seen the social media posts, or you have asked the question yourself, “what’s coming next?” The world is driven by speculation. People will spend fortunes in an attempt to find their future, all to satisfy their curiosity, to find hope, or ease their dread of what is going to happen. I will never forget the craziness with Y2K or the year 2012, each person with their own theories and ideas. Christians are not excused from this craze, many flung scripture aside, and gravitated towards the year 1988 in the belief that was when Jesus Christ would come back, while others thought September, 2016 would be a time for Jesus to come back. Let’s not forget how many people thought the Anti Christ would appear on June 6th, 2006. In 2020, it is almost impossible to go on social media and not have at least one comment or suggestion of what the future holds. So many proclaim we are in the tribulation, others make assumptions off their own self ideology or pursuits rather than the Biblical truth.  

Now this post is not about what is coming, but rather informing the reader on how to find the answer for themselves. I do not believe a Christian should remain as infants in their faith but should grow. To do this one must have a full understanding of the complete scripture of God. “And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ.I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it.” 1st Corinthians 3:1-2.

Many Christians today are neglecting to study prophecy, the six reasons below are not an exhausted list, but rather a list of the most common reasons people do not study Biblical prophecy. These reasons are:

1.     The belief that Prophecy will not help the Christian grow in the Lord

2.     The belief that Prophecy will mislead those who are younger in the faith

3.     The belief that Prophecy is scary

4.     The belief that Prophecy will take them from doing the Lord’s work now

5.     The belief that Prophecy will divide the Church

6.     The belief that Prophecy is too difficult to understand

Sadly, in today’s world I have witnessed Christians being lied to at the pulpit by those who would not discuss Bible prophecy and/or purposefully mislead those away from what the Bible clearly says about it.  

This post has been near my heart for some time, for my love for prophecy is one reason why I do what I do now. Growing up I would eagerly sit and watch the Hal Lindsey Report, through the eyes of what the Bible said, I started to see how the world was slowly being shaped for what was to come. The older I got the more I see the world as what was clearly being defined in the Bible.

This leads to our first point to tackle; The belief that Prophecy will not help the Christian grow in the Lord. The very notion of prophecy holding a person back from knowing God is laughable, for Christ declared in Revelation 1:3Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it for the time is near.” We are blessed if we read and take heed of prophecy. Revelation, which is the world’s most recognized book on Biblical prophecy, is the only book that God gives a blessing to the reader if they read it. No other book of the Bible has this blessing. Another example is with the Wise Men who came from the East! They had the privilege of seeing the child Jesus Christ! These gifts were used by Joseph and Marry as they had to flee with Jesus to Egypt because of King Herod’s coming murder attempt. We grow closer to God by studying the prophets and what was said, “For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not recognize him nor understand the utterances of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.” Acts 13:27 If we do not study prophecy, we are missing out on what the Lord has to offer us in His Word. Simply put, if we study prophecy, we will grow closer to the Lord.

Our next misunderstanding is the belief that Prophecy will mislead those who are younger in the faith. I am a walking witness that Prophecy does not lead those who are younger in faith away from God. It has brought me closer and allowed me to see God in a real way. However, let us not take my word for it and let us look at scripture. In 1st Samuel 3, we see that God called a child to Him to become a prophet! “that the Lord called Samuel; and he said, ‘here I am.” 1st Samuel 3:4. John the Baptist who would become the greatest prophet of all time next to Jesus Christ, would literally leap in the womb at the very mention of prophecy being fulfilled, “Now at this time Mary arose and went in a hurry to the hill country, to a city of Judah,40 and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. Luke 1:39-44

Paul, who spent just a few weeks in Thessalonica, spent a large time teaching on prophecy to new believers. In fact, both the first and second letter to them discussed prophecy as well. Prophecy, like any other part of the scripture, has its place to be taught in regards to a spiritually young or old believer, discernment must be used by those in leadership to identify what through the spirit must be taught, “Hear, o sons, the instruction of a father and give attention that you may gain understanding, for I give you sound teaching; do not abandon my instruction. When I was a son to my father, tender and the only son in the sight of my mother, then he taught me and said to me, ‘let your heart hold fast my words keep my commandments and live”  Proverbs 4:1-4. Apparently, God’s word has no age limit to its understanding, this is to include our spiritual maturity. Therefore, prophecy has no age restriction and should be taught at its appropriate spirit led time equal with all other studies.

Our next misunderstanding is the belief that Prophecy is scary. Simply put, this can be scary for only three reasons, first if you are a unsaved, if that is the case you are very right to be afraid, for Revelation 20:15and if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” What a scary promise! God has warned us of what is coming to those who do not recognize and follow Jesus Christ. If this is you, I would tell you now, this very second to stop reading, repent, and follow Christ. You do not know when your time is up, and no amount of good works will get you there. Only by repenting of your sin and recognizing that Jesus Christ needs to be in your heart and that you must be saved through Him. The second reason prophecy is scary is if you are unsure of your salvation. Rest assured if you have repented and have indeed turned to follow Jesus, He is faithful and just to forgive you of your sins but also to finish a good work in your life. Lean on Him and like the sinner on the cross, ask God to remember you, and see how quickly He answers you. What an amazing and loving God we have in Jesus Christ, who wishes and eagerly knocks on the door to our heart wanting to save us. For those who do experience Revelation 20:15, they will have no excuse for their decision.

The final reason prophecy is scary is if you are saved and you know that what is coming will be hard. Many Christians are currently in this boat. They do not want to study prophecy because it is scary, however you are going to live through tribulation if you like it or not for Jesus Christ said, “But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled,” 1st Peter 3:14. If you are living for Christ you will experience it. Now if you believe that you are to experience the hour of trail, the wrath of God, do not worry! As Christians in the Church Age we are not destined for this, “Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” Revelation 3:10. Our blessed hope is in Christ alone, Titus 2: “Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” Titus 2:13. So as a saved person in Jesus Christ, let us not think of prophecy as scary but rather as a loving father telling us of what is coming for our benefit as a blessing.

Our next misunderstanding to confront is the belief that Prophecy will take them from doing the Lord’s work now. So, let us look at what Jesus Christ had to say about this, the “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property.15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away..” Matthew 24:14-23. If we believe that Christ will return one day, I would rather be doing the work of the Father than doing nothing. If you knew your family would possibly go through the prophecy spoken about in Revelation regarding God’s judgement on the world, you would be very busy trying to tell them to come to Jesus now! Prophecy is the best way to make a person eager to help in the Church now. For those who understand prophecy correctly, we know that this world is not getting better but worse, that does not discredit us from doing what we can now, but it keeps us heavenly focused since we are busy doing the work of the Lord now. I am an ambassador for Christ’s Heavenly Kingdom which He will one day come and rule on earth in a very literal sense of the word “rule”. So, let us do the work of our Lord so when the day comes, we to can hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Our next point to discuss is the belief that Prophecy will divide the Church. This is not entirely a misbelief and is sadly seen in the world. However, prophecy has become a hot topic for several issues, one is that the enemy does not want us to study it. Satan will do whatever it takes to make sure we are not aware of the seasons of the Lord’s return and hopefully steal the one thing a saved person can let go of, hope. Without hope we are still saved but useless. 2nd Thessalonians was written because of false teaching that was secretly being put into the church. Many over the years have all attempted to push, sway, and manipulate the word of God from being spoken and read as it should be. I will not mention these groups names, but many and sadly dare I say most Christian groups/ denominations have started and/or have outright rejected the truth of God’s word for their own “Kingdom now” heresy. To those who believe that, allow me to point them to prophecy that they are fulfilling, “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to chains of gloomy darkness to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven others, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly.” 2nd Peter 2:1-22.

The ones who say that this is normal and just a season we are in right now, I would say, prophecy talks about you as well, “They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation” 2nd Peter 3:4. The two main parts at which people argue the most about in the Church is when Jesus is coming back for us, and when is He coming back! Both happen to be about Jesus acting directly with the world again. If you are the enemy, you are desiring for this day to never happen, “The wicked, in the haughtiness of his countenance, does not seek Him. All his thoughts are, ‘there is no God.’…he says to himself, ‘God has forgotten: He has hidden His face; He will never see it.Psalm 10:4,11. Prophecy will divide people in a church, but The Church in Christ Jesus can agree to disagree where God is unclear but hold fast to where He is vitally clear.

This finally leads us to our final issue to examine; the belief that Prophecy is too difficult to understand. How many times I have thought this or have had others bring it up to me. Nevertheless, I am reminded about what Jesus said regarding scripture, “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.” John 17:13. The Spirit of truth will teach those who are saved. If you are not saved, then you are incapable of understanding what is being said. Now this does not mean Christians will always know what is being said, for Daniel, who is thought to be one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament, even asked God for an explanation “I, Daniel, was troubled in spirit, and the visions that passed through my mind disturbed me.16 I approached one of those standing there and asked him the meaning of all thisDaniel 7:15-16. Some scripture is not to be fully understood until close to the time of it happening, “But as for you, Daniel, Conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increaseDaniel 12:4. One great example is with the murder of the two witnesses in Revelation. They are killed while the entire whole world watches! Christians have attempted to spiritualize this for centuries while some held their ground and said, no there must be something here we do not understand yet, until along came television and live coverage. Technology can easily accomplish this prophecy now. God’s word is timeless, in it is what we need at the time of where we are. If we do not understand something currently right now, allow God to teach it to us through the study of His word, and through talking over it with other believers. Take everything back to the word of God and examine the scripture daily to see what He has written. If you are still confused about a specific prophecy, remember that it could be for a future that we do not fully understand yet. Prophecy is presently written, whereas the world needs to catch up. For centuries people mocked that Israel would never come back, yet here they are now back in their homeland. Finally remember this, “if the plain sense, makes sense, seek no other sense, less you find nonsense.”

I hope this brief study of Prophecy helped you understand the real-life application that it has in our life. I would encourage you to seek after the truth of God’s word and examine what He says. Ask your pastor if you have questions, if he will not give you an answer, keep asking until a pastor gives you an answer. Take all answers back to the word and examine it for yourself. Prophecy is a study that is a blessing to those who study and take heed of the seasons we live in. Never forget that if you have questions or concerns, we at Mill House Ministries are here to help. We have no problem with your questions and give weekly updates on issues, concerns, and possible answers to Bible prophecy. https://www.millhouseministries.com/on-the-radar

  Hold until relieved, Our blessed Hope is coming







Live With Joy-Part 2


Live With Joy-Part 1