On the Radar (Special)

What is and is not the U.S Election in the Bible


As the title describes, today we at Mill House Ministries wanted to write something that has been on our heart regarding what is and is not the U.S election and how it accurately should be compared in the Bible. Over the years, but more importantly during this election, we have seen the body of Christ become divided on what should or should not happen regarding the U.S elections. Before I continue, I want to address the global audience that we at Mill House Ministries are thankful to have. While today’s post is directed primarily at the U.S presidential elections, it is in no way should be taken as only a U.S presidential elections. The fundamental principles discussed today should with careful prayer, Biblical wisdom, discernment, and understanding be applied to your own national politics. Nevertheless, we do not want to ignore the global impact at which the U.S election has on the world and thusly will be focusing primarily our attention on the upcoming November 3rd election.

Charles Dickens famous quote “It was the best of times it was the worst of times” could no more perfectly define the 2020 year. Millions around the world have been able to hear and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of the scenario that has developed in 2020. Where before a person would not pick up a Bible, they are now reading and eagerly looking for what God is saying. Yet we have also seen economic devastation with people’s savings drying up due to the failed polices of governors and unelected bureaucrats being in charge. This leads us to our topic today. The body of Christ has unfortunately become divided in sorts with acting upon and interpreting the U.S elections.

There is a very real danger of interpreting Bible prophecy as U.S Bible prophecy. This is an unfortunate outcome of the rampant Replacement Theology, which is the belief that the Church has replaced Israel. Interpreting the U.S into Bible prophecy is also the ill-fated child of Kingdom Now Theology, which in short is the belief we are to bring the Kingdom of God here on earth and then Jesus Christ will come into the Kingdom. Both heretical theological stances cannot be found in the Bible when the scripture is read in context, seriously, and holistically with the entirety of the inspired Word of God.

Today’s discussion is not going over the specifics of why these beliefs are wrong, but to further look at the consequences within the election on November 3rd. If you would ever like more information on these beliefs, please email us at Mill House Ministries.

Followers of Jesus Christ, who take up this view of interpreting the U.S into Bible prophecy as the center point fail to apply the importance of singular events that are happening verses the slow progressive push towards what the Bible is actually portraying. If President Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden win, God is in control, Proverbs 16:1 clearly states, “the plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.”  We as Christians must understand He is going to do what He wants, but that does not mean we are to reject our responsibility. When you break up the verse you can see the action by man and the answer by God. We are to plan and have in our heart what God wants, He will answer the plan. Not only are we to vote but we are commanded to vote by what the Lord would want us to. If we are to have His commandments on our heart as found in Deuteronomy 6: 5-6, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.” We are to eagerly vote by what He has commanded. This has been discussed further in our previous posts A Series of Questions. However, these Christians who take the U.S and forcibly push it in the Bible, where it is not found, are fooling themselves by applying scenarios that do not exist. Neither of the Presidential candidates in 2020 are the Anti-Christ. Neither of the Presidential candidates are the False Prophet. The 7 Seal, Trumpets, and Bowl judgments as described in the Book of Revelation have not happened yet.

Secondly, we as Christians must interpret the season we are living in accurately. Are we close to the end of the Church Age? Yes! All scripture detailing the time of Jacob’s trouble or better known as the Tribulation are aggressively coming into better focus. Nevertheless, our orders have not changed since Matthew 28. We are to go out, make disciples, and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. Yet no matter who wins on November 3rd we are to seek the Lord first. Many believers have claimed that our only hope is if a specific individual wins the election. My response is what a shame! For my hope is found in the Lord Jesus, He is my Blessed Hope. Should we use wisdom and prepare for the possible scenarios we are facing? YES! But we do not need to take out of context Biblical scenarios depicting a specific time for Israel as our own moments. I am sure the underground Churches around the world would agree that tribulation is here if you like it or not. Just because U.S. Christians are starting to feel the pressure state side does not mean we are in the day of the Lord. The Thessalonians thought this with a false letter, which is why Paul had to write and remind them that we, the Christians, are going to depart prior to this, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, regarding the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,” What Paul is trying to say here is the Day of the Lord is not here until after the rapture (please see Dr. Andy Woods study on this chapter for greater clarity on why the Apostasy is actually the departure) and finally after the Anti-Christ is revealed.

No matter what happens, our duty as believers needs to be following what Jesus Christ has told us to do. We need to place upon ourselves the full armor of God and seek Him first and act. I believe King Lemuel’s mother gave some of the best voting advice for us to apply as believers who are fortunate enough to vote, “open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.” Proverbs 31:8-9. We are held to vote Biblically because we are held to vote according to what the Bible has declared is right.

Monday we will further this discussion in hopes of identifying and readying ourselves for what is to come.






Christ is still on the Throne
