Old Lessons For a New Year

While it is a new year, it is important to understand that the lessons of yesterday are still prevalent today. The Bible is applicable no matter the year we live in, one such lesson is the observable signs of a fool. No doubt 2023 will be a year of people bloviating and speaking out of line. The Bible identifies these people as fools.

Proverbs 18:6-7 “A fool’s lips enter into contention, And his mouth calls for blows. 7 A fool’s mouth [is] his destruction, And his lips [are] the snare of his soul.”

The fool is quickly identified through their words, here we can clearly see that a fool first and foremost will cause contention. The word contention here comes from the Hebrew word “Riyb” which means this person causes strife and arguments amongst others and themselves. This person cannot help but let their mouth be wild and untamed.

Naturally, this leads to issues that will result in adverse action against the person. This person will be identified as having their mouth cause them continues problems. “And his mouth calls for blows.”

Ultimately, the fool is identified as being their own worst enemy. Their own mouth has caused their own destruction. Nothing will save them since they cannot help themselves. I must admit that I have seen people like this before; who cannot help but vomit whatever comes out of their mouth. This has caused more strife in their life and has virtually destroyed their professional career. “A fools mouth is his destruction.”

Nevertheless, the most insidious aspect of a fool is their own self destruction regarding their eternal state. “And his lips are the snare of his soul.” The fool’s mouth reveals their salvation is still not found in Christ. Instead of accepting the Lord and receiving salvation, the fool is more inclined to be a legend in their own mind. They are the most philosophical, the most enlightened, and believe they are above any correction. Like in everything else, the fool brings about their own destruction even at the cost of their own soul.

So as we start 2023, be vigilant to look at those around us and even ourselves to make sure that our actions do not resemble what the Bible calls a fool. Let our words be uplifting, loving and gentle. Always bringing people the truth and recognizing the need for Jesus Christ to be in our life. 2023 will be an amazing adventure, let us remember that the Bible is applicable right now to give us daily advice. Happy New Year from Mill House Ministries to you!

Hold until relieved, our Blessed Hope is coming,



Where Is Your Focus In 2023?


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