Where Is Your Focus In 2023?

The start of the new year is always a time of hope with many looking forward to plans for the future. However, if the last couple years have been any example, we know that the future is something that is not certain. Things that previously thought could never happen have occurred in the last couple of years, and this can often cause the born again believer to lose focus and be swept away by the fears and worries of the world. Today I want to remind you all of a verse to meditate on over this year.

fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.”

Hebrews 12:2-3

It may seem a simple thing to remind the Christian to keep the focus on Christ, but as I walk more in the faith I see those who have lost this basic fact. Jesus is the author of our faith, and yet there are those who place man’s definition of His word over what Jesus Himself says. They will try to deny some of His words and actions or they will go so far as to change His words to make it fit their own narrative. They forget that Jesus is the author of salvation and sad to say these individuals often lose the joy in Christ that is prevalent to those who follow after Him daily.

You see my friends, when we keep our eyes focused on Christ, we find the joy in hardships. For when we keep following after Him who the author of Hebrews states found joy in the cross, a horrible death, we can find joy in what we face this coming year. It is because we have the promises of His word and His actions that we are able to face what comes this year, it is why we should have no fear in trials. As a quick reminder, there is a difference between a trial and a temptation. God will not tempt us (James 1:13-14) but we will go through trials to strengthen the faith of the believer.

So today, as we begin to plan out this next year, I ask that you consider what the author of Hebrews describes perfectly, “let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” Hebrews 12:1b. Keep your eyes focused on Christ this year, in doing so you will have joy even in trials as described in the book of Phillipians. When you do so you will not grow weary this year.

Seek the truth and encourage one another,



Re-Post Friday


Old Lessons For a New Year